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Evaluation Questions

A key part of designing an evaluation is determining what questions should be discussed throughout the evaluation. Examples of evaluation questions for tobacco prevention and control programs are provided below.

Questions for a Process Evaluation

  • What tobacco prevention and control services are delivered and to whom? (for example, nicotine replacement therapy, individual counseling, group counseling)
  • What were the barriers and challenges that affected implementation of the tobacco cessation and prevention activities? What facilitated implementation?
  • How did community members, patients, or clients perceive the program?
  • How did staff members perceive the program?
  • How many people were exposed to anti-tobacco messaging?

Questions for an Outcome Evaluation

  • Did community members, patients, or clients report any changes in their tobacco use? Were there changes in their knowledge of the effects of tobacco?
  • What programmatic or policy changes have occurred in state or local jurisdictions as a result of the tobacco program?
  • Has the program helped reduce tobacco-related death and disability in the target population?
  • Was the intervention cost effective? That is, did it save the health system money?

Resources to Learn More

The Evaluation Life Cycle
Connects to a variety of different guides that can be helpful for communities developing a tobacco prevention and control program. Topics covered include evaluation types, needs assessments, defining goals, and evaluation planning, among many others.
Organization(s): Tobacco Control Evaluation Center

Introduction to Program Evaluation for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs, Chapter 3: Focus the Evaluation Design
This chapter focuses specifically on refining the evaluation design, such as developing the evaluation objectives, questions, and design structure. The chapter also includes links to other guides and resources to assist with tobacco program evaluation.
Author(s): MacDonald G., Starr G., Schooley M., Yee S.L., Klimowski K., & Turner K.
Organization(s): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Date: 2001

OTIS Evaluation Guide
This resource includes an extensive section on defining evaluation objectives and purpose. The focus is on developing the evaluation plan and thinking about the whole composed evaluation design.
Organization(s): California Department of Public Health
Date: 2007