Using and Sharing Results
It is important to consider appropriate audiences and methods for disseminating information about rural diabetes programs. Other important considerations when sharing program results include:
- Consider the audience and select a communication strategy. Tailor reports of findings to different audiences; ensure results are clear, concise, and culturally relevant.
- Determine important information to include. Useful contextual information for evaluation findings includes background and purpose, evaluation methods, findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
- Present meaningful information effectively. Use graphics, charts, and tables to present data and avoid technical jargon and acronyms to make writing easier to understand. It may also be useful to include meaningful anecdotal narratives, data, and details.
- Be upfront about strengths and limitations. Include the strengths and limitations of the evaluation as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the results and recommendations.
- Present findings creatively. Use a variety of techniques to convey results including short video presentations, newsletters, audio segments, websites, or making presentations to select groups or community partners. Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) grantees (see Module 3) often present on their findings to other rural communities as well as at state and national conferences.