Learn about programs and initiatives being undertaken in
different states to address rural health issues. Have an
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May 29, 2019
The Indiana Rural Health Association (IRHA) is using federal funding to support a project that, to date, has linked 18 rural schools with 10 local provider organizations, delivering school-based telehealth to hundreds of the state's rural students. "Virtual telehealth librarians" from another federally-funded IRHA project, provided technical assistance.
February 20, 2019
An Alabama nonprofit organization and a North Carolina rural health district share how they leverage public funding for quality improvement and rural network development activities that provide unique patient education opportunities for chronic disease prevention and self-management.
December 5, 2018
The MU AHEC Rural Track Pipeline Program in Missouri prepares its medical students and residents for rural practice through a lecture series, rural clerkships, and a community integration project.
October 17, 2018
Alaska's Southcentral Foundation has a specific solution to Native Alaskan domestic violence issues: the Family Wellness Warriors Initiative.
September 5, 2018
As more federal dollars are directed toward the opioid crisis, three communities use grant funds for treatment and recovery care coordination in court, prisons, and the homes of new moms.
July 25, 2018
The connection between bullying and youth suicide in rural Union Parish, Louisiana, led a Critical Access Hospital to create an anti-bullying program. Together with local law enforcement, they teach students in elementary through high school the negative effects of peer victimization and how to model positive social behavior.
June 13, 2018
The Oregon Washington Health Network and the Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center are addressing behavioral health challenges through peer counselors and heart disease/cancer prevention through community education. In addition, they're collaborating with local healthcare facilities and medical schools to improve recruitment and retention.
March 7, 2018
How do you attract dental students into practice in rural and underserved areas? With 70% of RIDE graduates practicing in those targeted areas, University of Washington School of Dentistry's RIDE faculty, a preceptor, graduate, and current student share how it's done and why it works.
February 21, 2018
Miners in rural New Mexico may forego care when they have to drive a long distance to see a primary care provider or specialist. The New Mexico Mobile Screening Program for Miners travels to 12 locations in the state to bring needed care to patients.
November 13, 2017
In rural communities, a little bit can go a long way. Learn how three Federal Office of Rural Health Policy awardees have used their funds to enhance healthcare access and create sustainable change.