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Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Monitor

Healthcare Professionals' Mental Health Needs: Where Can They Go?

January 29, 2020
Recent research has found that not only are nearly 40% of surveyed physicians burned out, but 40% are also experiencing depression. For many reasons — stigma among them — these professionals are not getting mental health support. Physician health programs, in collaboration with professional societies, are trying to change that by working with state licensure boards and other groups.

Physician Burnout: Definition(s), Cause(s), Impact(s), Solution(s)

January 22, 2020
National research has revealed it and rural research suggests it: over 40% of today's physicians are burned out. This in-depth story reviews information about burnout in healthcare professions and for physicians in particular. Along with reviewing causes and impact, a medical school wellness-advocate, a researcher, and a large healthcare organization with a rural footprint shared interventions and solutions.