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State Legislative Approach to Enumerating Behavioral Health Workforce Shortages: Lessons Learned in New Mexico

Describes the model developed in New Mexico (NM) as a result of the Health Care Work Force Data Collection, Analysis and Policy Act, initially enacted in 2011, to address behavioral health workforce shortages, particularly in rural areas, and the increased demand for services due to Medicaid expansion in the state. Highlights the purpose of the legislation, the development of a statewide workforce committee, policies implemented, lessons learned, and offers suggestions for other states considering legislation supporting behavioral health workforce initiatives.
Deborah B. Altschul, Caroline A. Bonham, Martha J. Faulkner, et al.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 54(6S3), S220-S229
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Behavioral health · Behavioral health workforce · Health workforce supply and demand · Legislation and regulations · Licensure and certification of health professionals · Medicaid · Policy · Statistics and data · New Mexico