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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by State: California

Trends in the Utilisation of Emergency Departments in California, 2005–2015: A Retrospective Analysis
Examines the characteristics of patients utilizing California's emergency departments (EDs) regarding age, sex, race/ethnicity, payer, and urban/rural residence, using data from the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development.
Author(s): Renee Y Hsia, Sarah H Sabbagh, Joanna Guo,Thomas J Nuckton, Matthew J Niedzwiecki
Citation: BMJ Open, 8(7)
Date: 07/2018
Type: Document
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Quantifying Disparities in Accessibility and Availability of Pediatric Primary Care across Multiple States with Implications for Targeted Interventions
Examines disparities in accessing pediatric primary care for rural and urban communities and children with public versus private insurance. Uses data on accessibility and availability for children in 7 states: California, Georgia, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Discusses the policy implications of the findings both generally and for the states studied.
Author(s): Monica Gentili, Pravara Harati, Nicoleta Serban, Jean O'Connor, Julie Swann
Citation: Health Services Research, 53(3), 1458-1477
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
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Palliative Care in California: Narrowing the Gap
Reports on a survey of palliative care programs in California. Includes interactive maps with county-level data on the need for and capacity of palliative care services.
Author(s): Kathleen Kerr
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: California Health Care Foundation
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Strategies for Expanding Primary Care Capacity in California
Addresses the need to improve the diversity, geographic distribution, and supply of primary care providers in California. Focuses on the education pipeline, recruitment and retention, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, and using data to inform workforce strategies.
Author(s): Janet Coffman, Kris Himmerick
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Healthforce Center at UCSF
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California Physician Supply and Distribution: Headed for a Drought?
Describes the physicians in California as of 2015, including number, practice activities, demographics, and geographical distribution. Uses data from the Medical Board of California's survey for relicensure and a voluntary supplemental survey. Includes recommendations for maximizing physician resources in rural and underserved areas.
Author(s): Janet M. Coffman, Margaret Fix, Michelle Ko
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: California Health Care Foundation
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Opportunities and Challenges to Utilizing Telehealth Technologies in the Provision of Medication Assisted Therapies in the Medi-Cal Program
Describes advantages and barriers to using telehealth for delivery of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to California's Medicaid enrollees, especially those in rural and underserved areas. Includes recommendations for changes to California state laws in order to alleviate the challenges. Appendix C lists states allowing telehealth prescribing.
Date: 06/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Connected Health Policy: The National Telehealth Policy Resource Center
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Mold and Asthma: A Look at Co-Occurrence in Two Rural Communities in California
Reports on a study of mold and asthma prevalence in two rural, primarily low-income, migrant farmworker communities. Covers housing type, income, occupation, gender, the percent of children and adults with asthma, and mold types and amounts. Compares results to national averages.
Author(s): Ryan Sinclair, Charity Russell, Genevieve Kray, Stephen Vesper, Gail Wadsworth
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: California Institute for Rural Studies
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Using Storytelling to Address Oral Health Knowledge in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
Results of a study conducted in 3 northern California tribal locations to evaluate an intervention using storytelling to promote prevention of early childhood tooth decay. Participants were 53 women who were pregnant or who had children ages 6 or younger.
Author(s): Brenda Heaton, Christina Gebel, Andrew Crawford, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 15
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
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Is Bigger Better? Exploring the Impact of System Membership on Rural Hospitals
Describes how system membership affects financial performance and transfer patterns of rural hospitals in California. Shows what financial benefits are involved and examines whether membership increases or decreases likelihood of closure. Includes appendices with lists of system and nonsystem hospitals by county, and rural hospital intercompany transfer statistics from 2011-2015.
Author(s): Glenn Melnick, Katya Fonkych
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: California Health Care Foundation
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2017 Survey of Nurse Practitioners and Certified Nurse Midwives
Reports on a survey of nurse practitioners (NPs) and certified nurse midwives (CNM) with licenses in California. Includes rural/urban differences, such as distribution by age, gender, and race/ethnicity; earnings; practice location; and more.
Additional links: Infographic
Author(s): Joanne Spetz, Lisel Blash, Matthew Jura, Lela Chu
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: California Board of Registered Nursing, Healthforce Center at UCSF
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