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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by State: North Carolina

North Carolina Safety Net Sites
List of safety net sites in North Carolina, including Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Clinics, Critical Access Hospitals, school-based health centers, health departments, and more.
Type: Directory
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Office of Rural Health
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North Carolina Medicaid Expansion Toolkit
Provides information on North Carolina's Medicaid expansion and details enrollment procedures. Includes materials in English, Spanish, and other select languages explaining Medicaid expansion and promoting participation, including a flyer, video, social media toolkit, and sample newsletter text, among others. Provides links to application instructions and frequently asked questions.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
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Making Care Primary (MCP) Model
Provides information on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center's Making Care Primary (MCP) Model, which offers a pathway for primary care clinicians in eight states to gradually adopt prospective, population-based payments while building infrastructure to improve behavioral health and specialty care integration and enhance equitable access to care.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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In-Person Marketplace Enrollment Efforts in North Carolina
A dashboard that shows county-level marketplace insurance enrollment eligibility in North Carolina. Includes a scatter plot map that shows the relationship between eligibility rates and enrollment rates by rural, suburban, and urban location, as well as a map showing areas in North Carolina that have had assister events such as education or enrollment outreach.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: The Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research
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Climate and Hazard Mitigation Planning (CHaMP) Tool
A mapping tool that shows county- and state-level changes in climate between 1981 and 2021 for 15 U.S. states. Allows user to select for climate events such as extreme heat, wildfire, severe weather, tropical storms/hurricanes, and more.
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organizations: Carolina Integrated Sciences and Assessments (CISA), Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments (GLISA), Mid-Atlantic Integrated Sciences and Assessments (MARISA)
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Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center - Virtual Office Hours and Events
Lists the virtual office hours hosted by the Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center (MATRC), including recurring question and answer sessions related to telehealth technology, telemental health, school-based telehealth, and more.
Type: Calendar/Event List
Sponsoring organization: Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center
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North Carolina State Designated Rural Health Centers Operations Guidance
Manual providing consolidated resources for North Carolina's State Designated Rural Health Center (SDRHC) Program. Standardizes North Carolina SDRHC services, describes strategies to designate new rural health centers, and provides additional resources that support effective operations and transition into and out of SDRHC status.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Office of Rural Health
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Local Initiatives to Address Opioid Use Disorder
Describes opioid prevention and treatment research collaboratives in 6 communities, some of which are rural. Provides links to articles profiling each program in detail.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Pew Charitable Trusts
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UNC Project ECHO
Offers live, web-based sessions where clinical specialists work with healthcare providers, and community and state partners to develop learning communities, facilitate reflective assessment, discuss evidence-based care and methods to address barriers to treatment, and expand access to life saving MAT in North Carolina. Continuing medical education (CME) credits are provided to participants and free DATA 2000 waiver training.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organization: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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Journal of Appalachian Health
Highlights issues relating to the health and wellness of rural Appalachian communities. Features peer-reviewed, open access research on health outcomes in Appalachia.
Type: Journal/Newsletter
Sponsoring organization: University of Kentucky College of Public Health
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