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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Broadband

The Relationship Between Rural Setting and Health: Factors that Influence Individuals With or at Risk of CVD - A Summary of the Literature
Describes current literature on rural challenges and opportunities, including cardiovascular risk due to obesity, lack of access to healthcare, workforce shortages, importance of paramedics and community health workers, telehealth and broadband, and impact of the substance use disorder epidemic. Intended to help stakeholders understand the causes of health disparities and to support action to improve the health of rural communities.
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Heart Association
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Deconstructing the Digital Divide: Identifying the Supply and Demand Factors That Drive Internet Subscription Rates
Provides discussion and analysis on the factors influencing broadband subscription rates, including information based on service availability and community attributes. Describes rural specific examples and contexts throughout.
Author(s): Michael J. R. Martin
Date: 2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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RAY BAUM'S Act: A Bipartisan Foundation for Bridging the Digital Divide
Presents a congressional hearing from the House Energy & Commerce Committee on the Repack Airwaves Yielding Better Access for Users of Modern Services (RAY BAUM'S) Act, which reauthorized the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with reforms intended to help promote the deployment of broadband. Includes provisions targeted towards increasing broadband access for rural and tribal areas. Features testimony from representatives of the National Association of Broadcasters, Competitive Carriers Association, APCO International, and the Milwaukee Public Broadcast Station.
Additional links: Bohdan Zachary Testimony, Tim Donovan Testimony
Date: 12/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: House Committee on Energy and Commerce
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Broadband Subscription Rate for U.S. Counties
Bar chart showing average broadband subscription rates for households with incomes under $50,000 and incomes of $50,000 or more, for mostly urban, mostly rural, and completely rural counties.
Date: 12/2018
Type: Chart/Graph
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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Percentage of Households With Subscription to Any Broadband Service: 2013-2017
National map showing household broadband subscription rates by county.
Additional links: Completely Rural Counties, Mostly Rural Counties, Mostly Urban Counties
Date: 12/2018
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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Expanding Internet Access: Bank Financing for Rural Broadband Initiatives
Highlights multiple initiatives and other work being done by banks and federal savings associations to help rural communities expand access to broadband and internet services. Discusses broadband projects in rural Minnesota, Appalachian County Ohio, Alabama, and Alaska.
Date: 11/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
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State Laws and Policies Affecting Broadband Access in Eight Northern Region States
Highlights several state-level broadband policies and their effect on healthcare access in rural communities in Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Compares broadband access in rural areas to state and national averages and breaks down the policies in each state.
Date: 11/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: The Network for Public Health Law
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Tribal Broadband: FCC Should Undertake Efforts to Better Promote Tribal Access to Spectrum
Examines wireless broadband access for tribal entities, barriers to obtaining spectrum licensing for tribes, and steps taken by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to support tribal access. Provides recommendations for the FCC to improve broadband wireless internet access in rural tribal areas.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 11/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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Map to Prosperity
Discusses the potential of broadband's effects on the rural economy, especially for farming operations and small businesses. Describes broadband access in rural areas. Includes rural versus urban comparisons for rural broadband access and funding and technical assistance programs to increase broadband adoption.
Author(s): Johnathan Hladik
Date: 10/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Affairs
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Broadband: Opportunities and Challenges in Rural America
Presents a U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation hearing on broadband access in rural communities. Features testimony from representatives of Mescalero Apache Telecom, Golden West Telecommunications, Cheyenne River Sioux Telephone Authority, and U.S. Cellular Corp.
Date: 10/2018
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
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