Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Hearing impairment
Rurality and Determinants of Hearing Healthcare in Adult Hearing Aid Recipients
Presents results of a survey on length of time between hearing loss onset and hearing aid acquisition in rural and urban populations. Compares data for multiple factors, including age at hearing loss onset, length of commute to hearing specialist, insurance status, hearing aid use frequency and satisfaction, and educational and occupational impacts of hearing loss. Discusses life impact of hearing loss and issues associated with seeking hearing healthcare for rural people.
Author(s): Stephen Chan, Brian Hixon, Margaret Adkins, Jennifer B. Shinn, Matthew L. Bush
Citation: Laryngoscope, 127(10), 2362-2367
Date: 10/2017
Type: Document
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Presents results of a survey on length of time between hearing loss onset and hearing aid acquisition in rural and urban populations. Compares data for multiple factors, including age at hearing loss onset, length of commute to hearing specialist, insurance status, hearing aid use frequency and satisfaction, and educational and occupational impacts of hearing loss. Discusses life impact of hearing loss and issues associated with seeking hearing healthcare for rural people.
Author(s): Stephen Chan, Brian Hixon, Margaret Adkins, Jennifer B. Shinn, Matthew L. Bush
Citation: Laryngoscope, 127(10), 2362-2367
Date: 10/2017
Type: Document
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Feasibility of a Low-Cost Hearing Screening in Rural Indiana
Examines the feasibility of a low-cost telephone administered hearing test in rural Indiana and identifies challenges, barriers, and implementation strategies associated with the telephone hearing test. Determines if a focus group can change the hearing health attitudes of rural residents.
Author(s): Khalid M. Khan, Sylvanna L. Bielko, Priscilla A. Barnes, Sydney S. Evans, Anna L. K. Main
Citation: BMC Public Health, 17, 715
Date: 09/2017
Type: Document
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Examines the feasibility of a low-cost telephone administered hearing test in rural Indiana and identifies challenges, barriers, and implementation strategies associated with the telephone hearing test. Determines if a focus group can change the hearing health attitudes of rural residents.
Author(s): Khalid M. Khan, Sylvanna L. Bielko, Priscilla A. Barnes, Sydney S. Evans, Anna L. K. Main
Citation: BMC Public Health, 17, 715
Date: 09/2017
Type: Document
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A Hearing Loss Prevention Outreach Program for Farmers and Motorsports Enthusiasts
Discusses the effectiveness of a hearing loss prevention outreach program distributing ear plugs at a national truck and tractor pull event in rural Tomah, Wisconsin to encourage hearing protection usage in occupational and recreational activities.
Author(s): Melanie Buhr-Lawler
Citation: Seminars in Hearing, 38(2), 212-222
Date: 05/2017
Type: Document
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Discusses the effectiveness of a hearing loss prevention outreach program distributing ear plugs at a national truck and tractor pull event in rural Tomah, Wisconsin to encourage hearing protection usage in occupational and recreational activities.
Author(s): Melanie Buhr-Lawler
Citation: Seminars in Hearing, 38(2), 212-222
Date: 05/2017
Type: Document
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Effects of Interventions on Use of Hearing Protectors among Farm Operators: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Compares the effectiveness of interventions designed to promote hearing protector device (HPD) use among adult farm workers 18 or older and who active in production at least 20 hours per week. Participants were assigned to one of 5 intervention groups including interactive web-based information with or without an HPD, static web-based information with or without a mailed HPDs, or an assortment of HPDs only.
Author(s): Marjorie C. McCullagh, Tanima Banerjee, Michael A. Cohen, James J. Yang
Citation: International Journal of Audiology, 55, S3–S12.
Date: 02/2016
Type: Document
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Compares the effectiveness of interventions designed to promote hearing protector device (HPD) use among adult farm workers 18 or older and who active in production at least 20 hours per week. Participants were assigned to one of 5 intervention groups including interactive web-based information with or without an HPD, static web-based information with or without a mailed HPDs, or an assortment of HPDs only.
Author(s): Marjorie C. McCullagh, Tanima Banerjee, Michael A. Cohen, James J. Yang
Citation: International Journal of Audiology, 55, S3–S12.
Date: 02/2016
Type: Document
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Pediatric Hearing Healthcare in Kentucky's Appalachian Primary Care Setting
Examines rural primary care providers' newborn hearing screening practices and experience with early hearing diagnosis and intervention programs in Appalachian Kentucky.
Author(s): Matthew L. Bush, David Alexander, Bryce Noblitt, Cathy Lester, Jennifer B. Shinn
Citation: Journal of Community Health, 40(4), 762-768
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
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Examines rural primary care providers' newborn hearing screening practices and experience with early hearing diagnosis and intervention programs in Appalachian Kentucky.
Author(s): Matthew L. Bush, David Alexander, Bryce Noblitt, Cathy Lester, Jennifer B. Shinn
Citation: Journal of Community Health, 40(4), 762-768
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
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Contributing Factors to American Indian/ Alaskan Native Elders' Quality of Life
Analyzes reported rates of hearing loss and oral health of American Indians and Alaska Natives over time.
Author(s): Laine Lyons, Melissa Wheeler, Jacqueline S. Gray, et al.
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Native American Elder Justice Initiative
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Analyzes reported rates of hearing loss and oral health of American Indians and Alaska Natives over time.
Author(s): Laine Lyons, Melissa Wheeler, Jacqueline S. Gray, et al.
Date: 08/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Native American Elder Justice Initiative
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Eight Step Advocacy Plan for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Survivors of Sexual Assault: A Guide for Rural Dual/Multi-Service Advocates
Guide for rural sexual assault advocates, with information on providing appropriate services and identifying accommodations in services and changes in technology.
Author(s): Leah Green, Petty Chicoine, Stephanie Mathis, Jennifer Upah-Kyes
Date: 2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Resource Sharing Project
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Guide for rural sexual assault advocates, with information on providing appropriate services and identifying accommodations in services and changes in technology.
Author(s): Leah Green, Petty Chicoine, Stephanie Mathis, Jennifer Upah-Kyes
Date: 2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Resource Sharing Project
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Assessment of Appalachian Region Pediatric Hearing Healthcare Disparities and Delays
Reports on a study to analyze the timeliness of diagnostic and rehabilitative services for children with severe hearing loss in rural areas of Appalachia which may postpone or delay cochlear implantation and other intervention services.
Author(s): Matthew L. Bush, Mariel Osetinsky, Jennifer B. Shinn, et al.
Citation: Laryngoscope, 124(7), 1713-1717
Date: 07/2014
Type: Document
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Reports on a study to analyze the timeliness of diagnostic and rehabilitative services for children with severe hearing loss in rural areas of Appalachia which may postpone or delay cochlear implantation and other intervention services.
Author(s): Matthew L. Bush, Mariel Osetinsky, Jennifer B. Shinn, et al.
Citation: Laryngoscope, 124(7), 1713-1717
Date: 07/2014
Type: Document
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Delays in Diagnosis of Congenital Hearing Loss in Rural Children
Analyzes Kentucky's newborn hearing-screening program data to determine the frequency of congenital hearing loss for both rural Appalachia and non-Appalachia regions of the state. Includes Appalachia and non-Appalachia hearing loss data by the number of births, failed newborns screenings, types of hearing loss, percent of families obtaining diagnostic testing following a failed screening test, and children enrolled in an early intervention program.
Author(s): Matthew L. Bush, Kristin Bianchi, Cathy Lester, et al.
Citation: Journal of Pediatrics, 164(2), 393-397
Date: 02/2014
Type: Document
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Analyzes Kentucky's newborn hearing-screening program data to determine the frequency of congenital hearing loss for both rural Appalachia and non-Appalachia regions of the state. Includes Appalachia and non-Appalachia hearing loss data by the number of births, failed newborns screenings, types of hearing loss, percent of families obtaining diagnostic testing following a failed screening test, and children enrolled in an early intervention program.
Author(s): Matthew L. Bush, Kristin Bianchi, Cathy Lester, et al.
Citation: Journal of Pediatrics, 164(2), 393-397
Date: 02/2014
Type: Document
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Information Gaps on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Population: A Background Paper
Presents the relevant issues regarding the mental health information needs of deaf and hard of hearing populations, particularly in rural America.
Date: 05/2006
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
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Presents the relevant issues regarding the mental health information needs of deaf and hard of hearing populations, particularly in rural America.
Date: 05/2006
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
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