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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Occupational health and safety

Identification of Barriers to the Prevention and Treatment of Heat-Related Illness in Latino Farmworkers Using Activity-Oriented, Participatory Rural Appraisal Focus Group Methods
Examines the barriers to prevent and provide treatment for heat-related illness (HRI) for Latino farmworkers in Central Washington State. Research was conducted through interviews, and by examining transcripts, field notes and investigator triangulation.
Author(s): Michelle Lam, Jennifer Krenz, Pablo Palmández, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health, 3,1004
Date: 10/2013
Type: Document
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Rates of Black Lung Disease in Relationship to Black Lung Treatment Centers
Investigates the rates of black lung disease among active miners in relationship to the location of Black Lung Clinics.
Additional links: Policy Brief
Author(s): Michael Hendryx, Cynthia Persily, Jamison Conley, Evan Fedorko
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: West Virginia Rural Health Research Center
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Enforcement of Ohio's Smoke Free Workplace Law Through the Lens of Public Health Practice
Provides a rural versus urban comparison of Ohio's public health workforce enforcing a smoke-free workplace law in Ohio to determine agency and workforce associations. Includes demographic data and county and agency characteristic data by region, jurisdiction, rural versus urban, and status of enforcement of the law.
Author(s): David Bruckman, Terry Allan, Matthew Stefanak, et al.
Citation: Public Health Reports, 128(1), 54-63
Date: 2013
Type: Document
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Exposed and Ignored: How Pesticides are Endangering Our Nation's Farmworkers
Provides an overview of the dangers confronting farmworkers and their families in the U.S. from the use of pesticides and pesticide exposures.
Date: 2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Farmworker Justice Fund, Inc.
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Blueprint for Protecting Children in Agriculture: The 2012 National Action Plan
Discusses preventing childhood agricultural injury and death. The Blueprint endeavor builds upon the 1996 plan that launched a national initiative leading to a reduction in nonfatal injuries among children who live on, visit, and work on farms. Mentions rural throughout.
Author(s): Barbara C. Lee, Susan S. Gallagher, Amy K. Liebman, et al.
Date: 05/2012
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety
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Iowa Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety Resource Plan, 2011
Presents the Iowa Department of Public Health strategic plan, including a rural health care resource plan. Discusses rural facts, access to health services, agricultural health and safety, and rural health workforce and information technology implications.
Date: 2011
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
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Safety Guidelines for Hired Adolescent Farm Workers
Provides resources and guidance for training adolescent farmworkers to ensures safety while addressing specific work tasks common in agricultural production. Presents guidelines to be used by crew leaders and other supervisors in the field.
Additional links: En Español
Date: 02/2010
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety
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Coumaphos Exposure and Incident Cancer among Male Participants in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS)
Details a study on prostate cancer incidents in farmers exposed to coumaphos, a livestock insecticide, in Iowa and North Carolina. Breaks down data by age, smoking history, and alcohol consumption, among other factors.
Author(s): Carol H. Christensen, Elizabeth A. Platz, Gabriella Andreotti, et al.
Citation: Environmental Health Perspectives, 118(1), 92-96
Date: 01/2010
Type: Document
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Perceptions of Environmental and Occupational Health Hazards Among Agricultural Workers in Washington State
Details a study on the perceived risk of health hazards by agricultural workers in Washington State's Yakima Valley. Bases conclusions on interviews with 389 agricultural workers.
Author(s): Jonathan N. Hofmann, Jennifer Crowe, Julie Postma, et al.
Citation: American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, 57(9), 359-371
Date: 09/2009
Type: Document
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Health Status and Health Care Access of Farm and Rural Populations
Discusses healthcare access and health status in rural areas. Describes health risks farm families experience due to their work environment.
Additional links: Report Summary
Author(s): Carol Adaire Jones, Timothy S. Parker, Mary Ahearn, Ashok K. Mishra, Jayachandran N. Variyam
Date: 08/2009
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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