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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: White

Factors Associated with American Indian Mental Health Service Use in Comparison with White Older Adults
Describes the factors associated with mental health service use by older American Indian (AI) adults living in South Dakota, and compares these factors to usage by older White adults to better understand the barriers in utilization of mental health services.
Author(s): Moon, H., Lee, Y.S,, Roh, S., Burnette, C.E..
Citation: Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 5(4), 847-859
Date: 08/2018
Type: Document
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Suicides Among American Indian/Alaska Natives — National Violent Death Reporting System, 18 States, 2003-2014
Compares differences in suicide characteristics and circumstances between American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) and White populations. Includes data on age, sex, nonmetropolitan residence, mechanism and location of suicide, interpersonal circumstances, life stressors, mental health, and substance use.
Author(s): Rachel A. Leavitt, Allison Ertl, Kameron Sheats, et al.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 67(8), 237-242
Date: 03/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Tooth Be Told...Colorado's Basic Screening Survey - Children's Oral Health Screening: 2016-17
Presents the results from a dental screening survey of kindergarten and third grade students in Colorado during the 2016-17 school year. Students selected were a sample representative of all kindergarten and third grade students in Colorado and included students of different races and/or ethnicity, from urban and rural schools, and students eligible for the free and reduced-price lunch programs. Data compares rural and urban dental caries experience and untreated decay, and previous survey results from 2003-04.
Author(s): Renee Calanan, Gabrielle Elzinga-Marshall, Dahsan Gary, et al.
Date: 02/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
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Safer Futures Project Evaluation
Illustrates the project findings of an education based intimate partner violence (IPV) screening tool program and its effectiveness in referring women - mostly white and living in a rural area - affected by IPV to a community-based IPV advocate.
Date: 12/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Regional Research Institute Portland State University, Tillamook County Women's Resource Center
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Child Poverty by Race/Ethnicity and Metro/Nonmetro Residence, 2016
Bar chart comparing metropolitan and nonmetro child poverty levels for White, African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Hispanic populations.
Date: 10/2017
Type: Chart/Graph
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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The Epidemic of Despair Among White Americans: Trends in the Leading Causes of Premature Death, 1999–2015
Evaluates trends in cause-specific death rates for adults ages 25-64, from 1999-2001 and 2013-2015. Features statistics including cause of death, age, race, and urbanization level in the United States, with breakdowns by large urban, suburban, small/medium metropolitan, and rural areas.
Author(s): Elizabeth M. Stein, Keith P. Gennuso, Donna C. Ugboaja, Patrick L. Remington
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 107(10), 1541-1547
Date: 10/2017
Type: Document
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The Association of Health Literacy and Blood Pressure Reduction in a Cohort of Patients with Hypertension: The Heart Healthy Lenoir Trial
Analyzes the impact of a multi-level quality improvement (QI) intervention, the Heart Healthy Lenoir (HHL) Study, with a focus on health literacy to improve systolic blood pressure (SBP) control in patients being treated in rural primary clinics of Eastern North Carolina. Discusses the components of the health literacy practice and patient level activities of the QI intervention. Offers a detailed table identifying the change in SBP by literacy level.
Author(s): Jacqueline R. Halladay, Katrina E. Donahue, Crystal W. Cené, et al.
Citation: Patient Education and Counseling, 100(3), 542-549
Date: 03/2017
Type: Document
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Multilevel Prevention Trial of Alcohol Use Among American Indian and White High School Students in the Cherokee Nation
Evaluates a multilevel intervention program developed to prevent alcohol use among rural White and Native American youth in the Cherokee Nation. Studies 6 communities by comparing a control program with two intervention programs targeting access to alcohol and screening paired with targeted intervention through the school system. Evaluates survey data, reporting the outcomes of these intervention methods on heavy episodic drinking and 30-day alcohol use.
Author(s): Kelli Komro, Melvin Livingston, Alexander Wagenaar, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Public Health, 107(3), 453-459
Date: 03/2017
Type: Document
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A Community-Developed, Culturally-Based Palliative Care Program for African American and White Rural Elders with a Life-Limiting Illness: A Program By The Community for the Community
Describes the development of a culturally-based palliative care program in Beaufort, South Carolina. Discusses different preferences for care between African American and White focus group participants, such as the involvement of family members and the role of hospice and palliative care.
Author(s): Ronit Elk
Citation: Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, 7(1), 36-40
Date: 2017
Type: Document
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Vital Signs: Trends in HIV Diagnoses, Risk Behaviors, and Prevention Among Persons Who Inject Drugs — United States
Reports on trends in HIV diagnoses among people who inject drugs. Figure 1 shows data for urban and rural White, African American, and Hispanic people from 2008-2014.
Author(s): Cyprian Wejnert, Kristen L. Hess, H. Irene Hall, et al.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 65(47), 1336-1342
Date: 12/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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