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Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Monitor
Articles by Topic: Public health

Rural Unintentional Injuries: They're Not Accidents – They're Preventable

November 29, 2017
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 2017 MMWR Rural Series has featured several reports highlighting rural unintentional injuries as one of the top 5 leading causes of death. What are these "unintentional injuries"? How often are rural residents killed by them? Here's a look at the three leading causes of rural unintentional injuries.

Feasting on Rural America: The Spread of Tick-Borne Diseases

May 17, 2017
Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses have become the most prolific zoonotic diseases in our nation. Because of their proximity to tick environments, rural areas are more susceptible. In this article, we hear from a Lyme disease patient, a scientist, psychiatrist, nonprofit leader, and a medical doctor about the spread and what's being done about it.