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Website Search Results for: interrante

26 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 1 - 10:

1. 'A Silent, Unmet Need': Rural Motherhood and the Challenges of Postpartum Care - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Oct 23, 2024

Maternal deaths have increased in the U.S., with half of those deaths occurring in the year after childbirth. In many rural communities, accessing necessary postpartum care has become increasingly difficult. - The Rural Monitor

...Interrante, a Research Fellow at the University of Minnesota's Rural Health Research Center who studies...

2. Inequities in Availability of Evidence-Based Birth Supports to Improve Perinatal Health for Socially Vulnerable Rural Residents - Resources
Date: Jul 2022

Examines the social risk factors rural residents face related to maternal and infant mortality. Utilizes data from 285 rural hospitals across the United States that have inpatient birthing centers to measure the availability of maternal and postpartum supports such as breastfeeding support groups, nurse home visiting, childbirth education classes, and more. Evaluates each hospital's social vulnerability index (SVI) on the county-level to determine the level of birth support inequities in rural areas and for residents who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).

...Interrante, Alyssa H. Fritz, Mariana S. Tuttle, Katy Backes Kozhimannil Citation Children, 9(7), 1077 Date...

3. The Availability of Midwifery Care in Rural United States Communities - Resources
Date: Jul 2024

Describes the availability of midwifery care at rural hospitals in 2021. Presents results of a survey of 292 rural hospitals with current or recently closed childbirth services. Details whether rural hospitals with current or prior childbirth services had midwifery care with certified nurse-midwives available locally. Compares rural communities with and without midwifery care by hospital-level and county-level characteristics.

...Interrante, Katy B. Kozhimannil Citation Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health Date 07/2024 Type Document...

4. Rural and Urban Differences in Insurance Coverage at Prepregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum - Resources
Date: Mar 2023

Examines insurance coverage in rural and urban women at prepregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Analyzes 154,992 postpartum individuals in the U.S. part of the 2016-2019 PRAMS (Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System) and breaks down rural versus urban data by age, race/ethnicity, income, state Medicaid expansion, education, marital status, chronic disease, and more. Discusses disparities in insurance for rural and urban women.

...Interrante, et al. Citation Obstetrics & Gynecology, 14(3), 570-581 Date 03/2023 Type Document Tagged...

5. Characteristics of US Rural Hospitals by Obstetric Service Availability, 2017 - Resources
Date: Sep 2020

Examines the characteristics of rural hospitals that did not provide obstetric care in 2017. Compares rural hospitals that did and did not have obstetrics services by financial structure, location, and hospital size and emergency department availability and volume. Discusses the public health implications of this analysis.

...Interrante, Mariana S. Tuttle, Carrie Henning-Smith, Lindsay Admon Citation American Journal of Public Health...

6. Rural Hospital Administrators' Beliefs About Safety, Financial Viability, and Community Need for Offering Obstetric Care - Resources
Date: Mar 2022

Examines beliefs about the financial viability and need for rural obstetric care based on surveys completed by 93 rural hospital administrators. Discusses the volume necessary to provide safe obstetric care, priorities related to local community need, and issues related to workforce and policy.

...Interrante, Lindsay K. Admon, Bridget L. Basile Ibrahim Citation JAMA Health Forum, 3(3), e220204...

7. Rural-Urban Differences In Severe Maternal Morbidity And Mortality In The US, 2007–15 - Resources
Date: Dec 2019

Analyzes severe maternal morbidity and mortality among rural and urban residents during childbirth. Examines data from the 2007-2015 National Inpatient Sample with breakdowns according to age, insurance type, race/ethnicity, income, Census region, and rurality. Discusses policy implications and strategies to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.

...Interrante, Carrie Henning-Smith, Lindsay K. Admon Citation Health Affairs, 38, 12 Date 12/2019 Type...

8. Racial Inequities in the Availability of Evidence-Based Supports for Maternal and Infant Health in 93 Rural US Counties with Hospital-Based Obstetric Care - Resources
Date: Jul 2022

Policy brief describing differences between availability of supports for maternal and infant health in rural counties that are majority-Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and those in majority-White rural counties. Features statistics on community characteristics of rural counties with hospital-based obstetric care.

...Interrante, Katy Backes Kozhimannil Date 07/2022 Type Document Organization University of Minnesota Rural Health Research...

9. States and Rural Communities With and Without the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) - Resources
Date: Sep 2024

Results of a study measuring sociodemographic differences in locations with and without a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) organization headquarters. Features statistics on local population characteristics with breakdowns by rural areas with and without a PACE organization headquarters, and a state-level map showing geographic distribution of PACE organizations by PACE headquarters location in rural or urban areas.

...Interrante, Ingrid Jacobson, Madeleine Pick, Mariana Tuttle, Carrie Henning-Smith Date 09/2024 Type Document Organization...

10. Rural Focus and Representation in State Maternal Mortality Review Committees: Review of Policy and Legislation - Resources
Date: 2019

An assessment of the extent of rural representation in state policy efforts related to improving maternal health through the development of maternal mortality and morbidity review committees (MMRCs). Analysis included whether or not states established an MMRC, had passed legislation requiring an MMRC, identified rural populations in the legislation, and if they required rural representation within the MMRC.

...Interrante, Amanda Corbet, et al. Citation Women's Health Issues 299(5) 357-363 Date...