Medicare Incentive Payments in Health Professional Shortage Areas
Physicians in geographic Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) can receive incentive payments from Medicare. Psychiatrists practicing in mental health HPSAs are also eligible. Payments are made on a quarterly basis, rather than claim-by-claim, and are handled by each area's Medicare carrier.
CMS automatically makes bonus payments to most eligible physicians. However, physicians who provide services in eligible areas for which the zip code is not considered dominant for the area will need to add a modifier to their claims to receive the bonus payment.
Physicians in geographic Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs)
Psychiatrists practicing in mental health HPSAs are also eligible.
Physicians receive incentive payments from Medicare.
For information about the current Medicare incentive payments, contact the appropriate CMS regional offices.
For complete information about funding programs, including your
application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided
for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes
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