Sustaining New Mexico Fund
The Sustaining New Mexico Fund will provide grants to strengthen communities in the state by promoting social equity, supporting self-sufficiency, and improving the quality of life for all. Preference will be given to organizations in rural areas.
Priority areas of interest:
- Community resilience
- Educational opportunities
- Environmental adaptability
- Healthy communities
- Rural infrastructure
Eligible applicants are 501(c)(3) nonprofits and organizations with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor. Applicants must be located in and serve individuals in New Mexico. Applicants must have an operating budget under $1 million.
Up to $10,000
A link to the online application is available on the program website.
The online application must be completed in one sitting. The Foundation suggests downloading the application questions and pasting the responses into the online application.
For complete information about funding programs, including your
application status, please contact funders directly. Summaries are provided
for your convenience only. RHIhub does not take part in application processes
or monitor application status.