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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by State: Florida

Medicaid: Characteristics of and Expenditures for Adults with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Describes the health and demographic characteristics of adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) enrolled in Medicaid home- and community-based programs in 2019 in six states: Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. Examines average per-beneficiary healthcare expenditures for I/DD beneficiaries in these states. Highlights the percentage of I/DD beneficiaries in rural areas of each state.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 04/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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The Dermatologic Care Needs of a Rural Community in South Florida
Results of a study to investigate the most common skin conditions, management trends, and patterns of referral to dermatology in Belle Glade, Florida. Features demographics and statistics on clinical characteristics, most common diagnoses related to dermatology, and rates of follow up with dermatology referrals.
Author(s): Sara M. Asbeck, Brenda U. Imo, Okelue E. Okobi, Jennifer Dorcé-Medard
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3071
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
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Florida Rural Counties
Map with shadings showing rural counties, defined as those with populations of 75,000 or fewer and those with populations of 125,000 or fewer that are contiguous to counties with populations of 75,000 or fewer.
Date: 02/2023
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Florida Health
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Florida's Rural Counties: 2020 Census
Table listing Florida counties with populations of 75,000 or fewer and counties with populations of 125,000 or fewer which are contiguous to a county of 75,000 or fewer.
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Florida Health
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Florida Rural Health Contact List, 2023
List of Florida rural EMS agencies, SHIP hospitals, local health councils, and rural health networks, with organization name, city, county, and contact information.
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Florida Health
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Geographic Disparities in COVID-19 Testing and Outcomes in Florida
Identifies geographic disparities in COVID-19 testing, incidence, hospitalizations, and mortality in Florida from March to July 2020. Provides county-level maps of COVID-19 patterns and discusses how spatial analysis can inform preventative public health interventions.
Author(s): Md Marufuzzaman Khan, Agricola Odoi, Evah W. Odoi
Citation: BMC Public Health, 23, 79
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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Remotely Sensed Measures of Hurricane Michael Damage and Adverse Perinatal Outcomes and Access to Prenatal Care Services in the Florida Panhandle
Examines the damage caused by Hurricane Michael in 2018 on residential buildings in the predominantly rural Florida panhandle and the relationship to adverse perinatal outcomes and access to prenatal care (PNC) services in this population. Compares aerial photography of building damage to 8,965 women's geocoded addresses, utilizing data from the Florida Department of Health's Office of Vital Statistics. Includes demographic information of women giving birth in high risk/damaged areas and the related associations to perinatal outcomes and access to PNC services.
Author(s): Ke Pan, Elaina Gonsoroski, Christopher K. Uejio, et al.
Citation: Environmental Health, 21, 118
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
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Exploration of Multilevel Barriers and Strategies That Affected Early COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing in Rural Latino Communities in Southwest Florida
Examines barriers and strategies affecting COVID-19 vaccination and testing uptake in rural Latino communities in southwest Florida. Uses data from interviews conducted between March-April 2021 with 25 key stakeholders including rural Latino community members, local leaders, and community health workers.
Author(s): Acadia W. Buro, Kevin Roman Candelaria, Rocio Bailey, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18), 11785
Date: 09/2022
Type: Document
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Barriers to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in the Court System: Provider Availability, Provider "Trustworthiness," and Cost
Examines perceptions of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) availability, provider trustworthiness, and MOUD affordability based on a survey of 151 court team members in Florida. Discusses rates of court referral to MOUD treatment in cases involving opioid use disorder (OUD) and notes rural-specific barriers to MOUD referral.
Author(s): Fatema Z. Ahmed, Barbara Andraka-Christou, M.H. Clark, et al.
Citation: Health & Justice, 10, 24
Date: 07/2022
Type: Document
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Community Engagement: An Essential Component of an Effective and Equitable Substance Use Prevention System
Describes the role of community engagement for tribal, urban, suburban, and rural communities when developing equitable evidence-based programs and policies supporting substance use prevention programs. Discusses research focused on community engagement activities and outcomes, hands-on strategies derived from participation in community engagement, and evaluation as part of the planning and implementation process. Presents examples of how community engagement facilitates substance use prevention systems in rural and tribal communities.
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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