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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Networking and collaboration

The Toolkit for Everyone Aligning and Measuring (The TEAM)
Toolkit for collaboratives to help measure the alignment of systems and actions across sectors to improve community health and well-being in sustainable ways.
Type: Tool
Sponsoring organization: Georgia Health Policy Center
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Working Together to Improve Local Public Health Capacity in West Central Minnesota
Discusses the consolidation process of health services among 5 counties in West Central Minnesota in order to develop a service model that recognized the communal identity of the area. Details the governance structure and the related impacts and successes of the consolidation.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Public Health Accreditation Board Center for Innovation
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Working Together to Improve Environmental Health in Colorado
Discusses the process of 3 rural and 3 frontier counties in Colorado partnering to provide environmental health services for their local areas. Features the results of the collaboration as well as strategies to create successful partnerships and governance.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Public Health Accreditation Board Center for Innovation
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Strengthening Public Health in Rural Ohio Through a Council of Governments
Describes the process 7 county health departments in rural Ohio took to share resources and increase capacity while seeking accreditation from the Public Health Accreditation Board. Discusses the development of a council of governments and the results of strategic planning.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Public Health Accreditation Board Center for Innovation
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Assessment for Advancing Community Transformation Tool
Provides guidance and resources to help community-based teams and individuals identify focal areas for health transformation based on 6 key themes and 22 subthemes using a score-based assessment method.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Georgia Health Policy Center
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Rural America Placemaking Toolkit
Provides information and strategies for rural community placemaking through public spaces, community arts, downtown revitalization, and design. Discusses processes for community and cultural assessments, and covers food access initiatives and healthcare in the Cross-Sector Partnerships module. Includes directories of organizations offering technical assistance and financial assistance.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organizations: Community & Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky, USDA Rural Development
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Thrive Rural Framework
Provides information resources to support rural community prosperity through asset-based approaches and collaboration. Publications cover strategies to empower rural communities and facilitate economic development, support community equity, and rural development and health.
Additional links: Assessment Worksheet, Thrive Rural Framework Foundational Element, Thrive Rural Framework Overview, Thrive Rural Framework: Local-Level Building Blocks, Thrive Rural Framework: Systems-Level Building Blocks
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Aspen Institute
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Public Health Strategies to Help Cancer Survivors in Rural Communities
Resource guide that describes the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, highlighting key steps to improving care for rural cancer survivors. Modules cover lessons learned regarding collaboration, tailoring program services to local needs, recruitment and education of healthcare providers, and monitoring and program evaluation.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Indiana Healthy Opportunities for People Everywhere (I-HOPE)
A statewide program in Indiana to address health disparities among minority and rural citizens. Collaborates with various partners to improve nutrition, affordable housing, transportation, childcare issues, and employment, among others. Details funding opportunities for community projects and offers program resources such as contact information for regional field teams and interactive maps related to program goals.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organizations: Indiana Department of Health, Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering at Purdue University
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Healthy Aging in Rural Towns (HeART) Toolkit
A toolkit for community leaders in rural areas that contains resources to conduct needs-and-assets assessments and develop strategies to strengthen community supports for aging adults. Offers 10 modules focused on planning, data collection and analysis, developing strategies, and building coalition and community support. Contains tips and anecdotes from rural Wisconsin communities who implemented HeART projects. Toolkit is free to download with registration.
Author(s): Sharon Schumacher, Eileen Whalen Partridge, Molly Schwebach, Kim Nolet, Barbara Bowers
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Aging Research and Education (CARE) at the UW-Madison School of Nursing
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