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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Service delivery models

Evaluating the HCIA - Behavioral Health/Substance Abuse Awards: Second Annual Report
Second annual evaluations of 10 Health Care Innovation Awards Round One projects focused on mental health and substance abuse services. Offers overviews of all projects, including HealthLinkNow, which uses telehealth to provide behavioral care services in rural areas, and the Prevention and Recovery in Early Psychosis Program, which was expanded to serve to rural counties in California.
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Mathematica Policy Research
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Independence, Technology, and Connection in Older Age
Explores a wide range of technologies that promote continued independence and productivity for older Americans, including telehealth services for people in rural and underserved areas. Addresses lack of access to broadband or Internet connection in many rural areas.
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
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Peer Support for People with Chronic Conditions in Rural Areas: A Scoping Review
Results of a project to discover and explore articles published from 2000 to 2014 on community-based initiatives for adults with chronic conditions in rural settings, including 7 programs in the United States, 2 in Australia, and 1 in Canada.
Author(s): Heidi M. Lauckner, Susan L. Hutchinson
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 16(1), 3601
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
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Rural ACO Leaders Speak: What Have Been the Biggest Challenges and the Biggest Advantages to Creating Your ACO?
Five rural Accountable Care Organization (ACO) leaders discuss the biggest challenges and advantages they've experienced in building an ACO.
Author(s): Zachary Toliver
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Fired Up: Community Paramedicine Models Blaze a Trail for Healthcare Delivery Reform
Discusses how fire departments can target frequent 911 users to reduce emergency room visits. Highlights community paramedicine program models in Arizona, including examples from rural communities.
Date: 02/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Vitalyst Health Foundation
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Spotlight on Cibola General Hospital
Highlights Cibola General Hospital (CGH), a 25 bed Critical Access Hospital located in Grants, New Mexico. Examines the progress CGH has made working to improve quality of care and transitions of care as part of the Small Rural Hospital Transition (SRHT) Project.
Date: 02/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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Responsive Rural Health Delivery Systems
Policy brief discussing how rural healthcare delivery systems can address current challenges while transitioning to value-based care. Offers recommendations for creating a high-performance rural healthcare system based on five critical factors as defined by the Rural Policy Research Institute's Rural Health Panel: affordability, accessibility, community-focused, high quality, and patient-centered.
Author(s): Brandon Baumbach, Sue Deitz, Maria Poepsel
Date: 02/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Association
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Economic Evaluation Alongside a Clinical Trial of Telephone Versus In-Person Genetic Counseling for BRCA1/2 Mutations in Geographically Underserved Areas
Examines the costs of providing genetic counseling in person to providing it via telephone for primarily rural areas in Utah. Focuses on women with genetic mutations related to a high risk of breast or ovarian cancer as part of the clinical trial, Bridging Geographic Barriers: Remote Cancer Genetic Counseling for Rural Women.
Author(s): Yaojen Chang, Aimee M. Near, Karin M. Butler, et al.
Citation: Journal of Oncology Practice, 12(1), 59
Date: 01/2016
Type: Document
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Community Health Workers: Roles and Opportunities in Health Care Delivery System Reform
Identifies and discusses health services research on the utilization and integration of Community Health Workers (CHWs) into healthcare service delivery. Includes an analysis regarding the various CHW models, employment data, training and credentialing, and challenges associated with the development of this occupation.
Author(s): John E. Snyder
Date: 01/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
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Geographic Scope and Accessibility of a Centralized, Electronic Consult Program for Patients with Recent Fracture
Examines a e-consult program that is used in various Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers to provide osteoporotic treatment to older men with fractures. Focuses on geographic distribution, accessibility to rural patients, and the impact and evaluation of treatment.
Author(s): Richard Lee, Megan Pearson, Kenneth W. Lyles, Patricia W. Jenkins, Cathleen Colon-Emeric
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 16(1), 3440
Date: 01/2016
Type: Document
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