March 17, 2021
With federal funds supporting its implementation in Oklahoma's Marshallese community, a Community Health Worker model exemplifies how culturally sensitive education can improve healthcare access, health literacy, and health outcomes.
February 10, 2021
Graham Adams, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of the South Carolina Office of Rural Health (SCORH), shares how his office is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and addressing social determinants of health like employment.
February 3, 2021
Aaron Wernham and Scott Malloy of the Montana Healthcare Foundation share how their foundation responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by providing technical assistance, organizing webinars to clarify emergency declaration orders, and creating a grant application assistance initiative.
January 28, 2021
An event space in Dalhart, Texas was converted into a COVID-19 vaccine clinic, distributing 1,232 Pfizer vaccines to residents in a tri-county area and beyond, finding unique ways for the participants to promote the event on social media.
January 27, 2021
Barbara Leonard and Ruta Kadonoff of the Maine Health Access Foundation (MeHAF) discuss how their foundation provided unrestricted COVID-19 grants and open competitive grants and partnered with other philanthropies pooling together COVID-19 response funds.
January 20, 2021
Kim Barber Tieman, program director for health and human services for the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, shares how her foundation set up a COVID-19 grant capture team and funded grant writers to help organizations navigate and apply for federal funding opportunities. In addition, her foundation worked with organizations and funded three mobile COVID testing units to better reach communities of color.
August 26, 2020
From decreasing stigma to increasing treatment access and the impact of COVID-19, experts and rural healthcare organizations speak out on alcohol use and misuse in rural America.
July 15, 2020
Advance care planning — planning for decision-making in times of medical crisis — has always been intended for all people, all ages, with or without a chronic disease. Clinicians talk about the challenges of these conversations now that COVID-19 has nudged planning from the realm of the theoretical future to current reality.
July 1, 2020
Butler Memorial Hospital in Pennsylvania received a HRSA Rural Health Care Services Outreach grant to develop a program for chronic disease patients. Partway through the grant cycle, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. The hospital shares how it was able to transition its program services to an online format and develop new initiatives to address stress in the healthcare workforce and the larger community.
May 20, 2020
Brock Slabach, the National Rural Health Association's Senior Vice President for Member Services, discusses the impact of COVID-19 on rural America's healthcare organizations.