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Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Monitor

“Hopeful Forecasting”: Farmers Showing Increased Interest in Mental Health Resources

June 14, 2023
A December 2021 survey from the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) suggests that farmers and farmworkers are more aware of mental health resources and less likely to see stigma as a barrier to care, compared to previous surveys. Experts from AgriSafe, AgWell, and AFBF share their own success stories of stigma reduction as well as the challenges that remain in addressing farmers' mental health.

Changing the Narrative — Rural Healthcare Opportunities and the Role of Emerging Leaders

June 7, 2023
While rural healthcare faces many challenges, it also possesses strengths and potential, such as its leadership. The NRHA's Rural Health CEO Certification Program and Rural Health Fellows works to strengthen current leaders' skills, while the University of Iowa's and the University of South Carolina's Master of Health Administration programs, NRHA's Student Constituency Group, and the Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network help shape future leaders.

Perspectives on the Long of COVID: From Doomscrolling to Rural Management Strategies

March 8, 2023
In the wake of acute COVID-19 comes another public health concern: Millions of rural Americans are experiencing Long COVID. With a federal agency representative weighing in on rural research efforts, a Tennessee rural health researcher shares his Long COVID story alongside a New York rural healthcare system who shares their story about the condition's management options.