Texas Resources
The Other Side of Rural Health Care
Podcast episode with Terry Scoggin, CEO of Titus Regional Medical Center in northeast Texas, discussing how the hospital uses innovative data to understand and meet the needs of its community.
Date: 07/2023
Type: Audio
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Podcast episode with Terry Scoggin, CEO of Titus Regional Medical Center in northeast Texas, discussing how the hospital uses innovative data to understand and meet the needs of its community.
Date: 07/2023
Type: Audio
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Texans' Views and Experiences with End-of-Life Issues
Survey of 2,305 Texans regarding attitudes, experiences, and needs around illness and end-of-life issues. Discusses barriers to access of end-of-life care, race and ethnicity, insurance status, and more. Includes rural data throughout.
Additional links: Research Summary
Date: 06/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Perry Undem, St. David's Foundation
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Survey of 2,305 Texans regarding attitudes, experiences, and needs around illness and end-of-life issues. Discusses barriers to access of end-of-life care, race and ethnicity, insurance status, and more. Includes rural data throughout.
Additional links: Research Summary
Date: 06/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Perry Undem, St. David's Foundation
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The Benefits and Challenges of Converting to a Rural Emergency Hospital
Podcast episode with Anson General Hospital's Chief Executive Office and Chief Nursing Officer regarding the hospital's transition to a Rural Emergency Hospital. Discusses changes to services offered, financial and operational impacts of the conversion, and what the local patient population thinks about the transition.
Date: 06/2023
Type: Audio
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Podcast episode with Anson General Hospital's Chief Executive Office and Chief Nursing Officer regarding the hospital's transition to a Rural Emergency Hospital. Discusses changes to services offered, financial and operational impacts of the conversion, and what the local patient population thinks about the transition.
Date: 06/2023
Type: Audio
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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Patient-Centered Care Through Nurse Practitioner–Led Integrated Behavioral Health: A Case Study
Examines the implementation of a nurse practitioner-led interprofessional team-based behavioral healthcare delivery model in 5 rural or medically underserved clinics in Texas from July 1, 2020, through December 31, 2021. Analyzes the first year of implementation of the delivery model utilizing multiple data sources, with a focus on barriers to implementation, challenges to sustainability, and successes.
Author(s): Cindy Weston, Elizabeth Wells-Beede, Alice Salazar, et al.
Citation: Public Health Reports, 138(1)
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
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Examines the implementation of a nurse practitioner-led interprofessional team-based behavioral healthcare delivery model in 5 rural or medically underserved clinics in Texas from July 1, 2020, through December 31, 2021. Analyzes the first year of implementation of the delivery model utilizing multiple data sources, with a focus on barriers to implementation, challenges to sustainability, and successes.
Author(s): Cindy Weston, Elizabeth Wells-Beede, Alice Salazar, et al.
Citation: Public Health Reports, 138(1)
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
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Texas Surgical Assistants, 2022: Trends, Distribution, and Demographics
Fact sheet describing growth trends and population-to-provider data by county and geographic designation of surgical assistants in Texas. Features statistics with breakdowns by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Texas Health and Human Services
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Fact sheet describing growth trends and population-to-provider data by county and geographic designation of surgical assistants in Texas. Features statistics with breakdowns by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Texas Health and Human Services
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Texas Speech-Language Pathologists, 2022: Trends, Distribution, and Demographics
Fact sheet showing speech-language pathologist (SLP) growth trends, geographic distribution by county and ratio of population to SLP by metropolitan, non-metropolitan, border, and non-border geography, and provider demographics by age and gender.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Texas Health and Human Services
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Fact sheet showing speech-language pathologist (SLP) growth trends, geographic distribution by county and ratio of population to SLP by metropolitan, non-metropolitan, border, and non-border geography, and provider demographics by age and gender.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Texas Health and Human Services
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Texas Optometrists, 2022: Trends, Distribution, and Demographics
Fact sheet showing optometrist growth trends, geographic distribution by county and ratio of population to optometrist by metropolitan, non-metropolitan, border, and non-border geography, provider demographics by race/ethnicity, age, and gender, and employment characteristics.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Texas Health and Human Services
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Fact sheet showing optometrist growth trends, geographic distribution by county and ratio of population to optometrist by metropolitan, non-metropolitan, border, and non-border geography, provider demographics by race/ethnicity, age, and gender, and employment characteristics.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Texas Health and Human Services
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Texas Chiropractors, 2022: Trends, Distribution, and Demographics
Fact sheet showing chiropractor growth trends, geographic distribution by county and ratio of population to chiropractor by metropolitan, non-metropolitan, border, and non-border geography, and provider demographics by age and gender.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Texas Health and Human Services
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Fact sheet showing chiropractor growth trends, geographic distribution by county and ratio of population to chiropractor by metropolitan, non-metropolitan, border, and non-border geography, and provider demographics by age and gender.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Texas Health and Human Services
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Using GIS to Identify Priority Sites for Colorectal Cancer Screening Programs in Texas Health Centers
Provides county-level information on colorectal cancer (CRC) screening rates in Texas, including percentage of the population who have been screened and number of Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) patients without up-to-date screening or Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) engagement. Lists FQHCs by county that are priority for CRC screening improvement.
Author(s): F. Benjamin Zhan, Yanyan Liu, Mei Yang, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 20
Date: 03/2023
Type: Document
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Provides county-level information on colorectal cancer (CRC) screening rates in Texas, including percentage of the population who have been screened and number of Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) patients without up-to-date screening or Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) engagement. Lists FQHCs by county that are priority for CRC screening improvement.
Author(s): F. Benjamin Zhan, Yanyan Liu, Mei Yang, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 20
Date: 03/2023
Type: Document
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Cancer Disproportionately Impacts Adults Living in Rural Areas
Analyzes cancer disparities in metro and nonmetro areas across the U.S. as well as select states that did not expand Medicaid coverage: Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. Utilizes multiple data sources to examine cancer incidence, mortality, and survival rates in metro and nonmetro areas.
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: The National Grange
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Analyzes cancer disparities in metro and nonmetro areas across the U.S. as well as select states that did not expand Medicaid coverage: Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. Utilizes multiple data sources to examine cancer incidence, mortality, and survival rates in metro and nonmetro areas.
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: The National Grange
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Additional resources are available. See a full list of Texas Resources.
Last Updated: 12/31/2024