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Rural Health
Resources by State: Hawaii

Developing Empirically Based, Culturally Grounded Drug Prevention Interventions for Indigenous Youth Populations
Describes the relevance of a culturally grounded approach when developing a drug prevention program for Indigenous youth. Includes implications for culturally grounded approaches in behavioral health services and a case example of a drug prevention program for rural Native Hawaiian youth.
Author(s): Scott K. Okamoto, Susana Helm, Suzanne Pel, et al.
Citation: Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 41(1)
Date: 01/2014
Type: Document
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Drug Offers as a Context for Violence Perpetration and Victimization
Analyzes the connection of drug use by rural Native Hawaiian youth with aggressive behavior and violence.
Author(s): Susana Helm, Scott Okamoto, Alexis Kaliades, Danielle Giroux
Citation: Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 13(1), 39-57
Date: 2014
Type: Document
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Health Literacy, Health Communication Challenges, and Cancer Screening among Rural Native Hawaiian and Filipino Women
Details a study based on 6 focus groups with Native Hawaiian and Filipino women in rural Hawaii. Breaks down participants' data by cancer screening history, family and personal history with cancer, self-reported health literacy, and demographic information, such as race, age, educational attainment, and marital status, among others. Also discusses cultural competency and language barriers.
Author(s): Tetine Sentell, May Rose Dela Cruz, Hyun Hee Heo, Katheryn Braun
Citation: Journal of Cancer Education, 28(2), 325-334
Date: 06/2013
Type: Document
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Breastfeeding Patterns in the Rural Community of Hilo, Hawai'i: An Exploration of Existing Data Sets
Describes breastfeeding patterns of women living in rural Hilo, Hawaii. Utilizes data from several national, state, and local sources to identify and describe breastfeeding patterns of women in the community and compared with breastfeeding data from Hawaii's Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. Compares data to published reports available at the county, state, and national level.
Author(s): Jeanie L. Flood
Citation: Hawai'i Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 72(3), 81-86
Date: 03/2013
Type: Document
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Implementing the Obesity Care Model at a Community Health Center in Hawaii to Address Childhood Obesity
Describes a comprehensive care strategy based on the Obesity Care Model implemented in a rural community health center to reduce childhood obesity in Hawaii. Analysis includes healthcare delivery changes to establish quality improvement, capacity and team-building activities, and the use of project community level data to strengthen community engagement and investment. Project framework is provided through an an academic-community partnership.
Author(s): May Okihiro, Michelle Pillen, Cristeta Ancog, Christy Inda, Vija Sehgal
Citation: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 24(2), 1-11
Date: 2013
Type: Document
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The Development of Videos in Culturally Grounded Drug Prevention for Rural Native Hawaiian Youth
Provides an overview of adapting and validating narrative scripts to be used in videos as part of a culturally grounded drug prevention program for rural indigenous youth.
Author(s): Scott K. Okamoto, Susana Helm, Latoya L. McClain, Ay-Laina Dinson
Citation: Journal of Primary Prevention, 33(5-6), 259-269
Date: 12/2012
Type: Document
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More than Black and White: Differences in Predictors of Obesity among Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders and European Americans
Analyzes predictors of obesity in rural Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Asian American, and European American undergraduate students by examining body mass index (BMI), exercise frequency, symptoms of psychiatric disorders, health outcomes, health status, and health behaviors.
Author(s): Alok Madan, Olga G. Archambeau, Vanessa A. Milsom, et al.
Citation: Obesity, 20(6), 1325-1328
Date: 06/2012
Type: Document
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Compacts of Free Association: Improvements Needed to Assess and Address Growing Migration
Describes migration to the U.S. and its territories from the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and Palau. Discusses financial impact in Hawaii, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to provide services to these migrants, including health services.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 11/2011
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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Development and Implementation of a Food System Intervention to Prevent Childhood Obesity in Rural Hawai'i
Report on the Healthy Foods Hawaii intervention trial in four rural communities, which aimed to improve the diets of children and decrease obesity rates. Includes information about the impacts of access to transportation, education, and healthy foods.
Author(s): Rachel Novotny, Vinutha Vijayadeva, Vicky Ramirez, et al.
Citation: Hawaii Medical Journal, 70(7 suppl 1), 42-46
Date: 07/2011
Type: Document
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Developing the Rural Primary Care Workforce in Hawai'i - A 10-Point Plan
Describes initiatives focused on addressing physician shortages in Hawaii. Covers a ten point plan to lay the framework for improving the rural physician training pipeline. Highlights the impact of a rural family medicine residency program.
Author(s): Allen L. Hixon, Lee E. Buenconsejo-Lum
Citation: Hawaii Medical Journal, 69(6), 53-55
Date: 06/2010
Type: Document
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