Rural Health
Resources by State: Hawaii
National Program Helps Older Adults in Rural Maine and Hawaii Feel More CAPABLE
Highlights CAPABLE (Community Aging in Place—Advancing Better Living for Elders), a national model that connects low-income older adults with an occupational therapist, registered nurse, and home repair services. Features programs implemented in Hawaii and Maine based on this model.
Author(s): Allee Mead
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Highlights CAPABLE (Community Aging in Place—Advancing Better Living for Elders), a national model that connects low-income older adults with an occupational therapist, registered nurse, and home repair services. Features programs implemented in Hawaii and Maine based on this model.
Author(s): Allee Mead
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 07/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Community-Clinical Linkages Within Health Care in Hawai'i
Special issue of the Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health focusing on collaborations between the community and healthcare facilities to improve health in Hawaii. Covers community health workers, health systems-based programs, community health-center based programs, and provider-based programs. Addresses rural throughout.
Citation: Hawai'i Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 78(6 Suppl 1)
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
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Special issue of the Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health focusing on collaborations between the community and healthcare facilities to improve health in Hawaii. Covers community health workers, health systems-based programs, community health-center based programs, and provider-based programs. Addresses rural throughout.
Citation: Hawai'i Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 78(6 Suppl 1)
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
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In Support of Family Caregivers: A Snapshot of Five States
Examines policies developed in Washington, Minnesota, Hawaii, Tennessee, and Maine to support family caregivers, including those in rural areas. Features demographic characteristics of the states profiled, state expenditures by the Administration for Community Living in FY2016 on older adults and caregivers, and data on state Medicaid policies affecting these groups.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Author(s): Jennifer Aufill, Julia Burgdorf, Jennifer Wolff
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Milbank Memorial Fund, The John A. Hartford Foundation
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Examines policies developed in Washington, Minnesota, Hawaii, Tennessee, and Maine to support family caregivers, including those in rural areas. Features demographic characteristics of the states profiled, state expenditures by the Administration for Community Living in FY2016 on older adults and caregivers, and data on state Medicaid policies affecting these groups.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Author(s): Jennifer Aufill, Julia Burgdorf, Jennifer Wolff
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Milbank Memorial Fund, The John A. Hartford Foundation
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A Unique Partnership Between the University of Hawai'i Cancer Center and the University of Guam: Fifteen Years of Addressing Cancer Health Disparities in Pacific Islanders in Hawai'i and Guam
Highlights a partnership between the University of Guam and the University of Hawaii Cancer Center focused on addressing cancer disparities in Pacific Islanders in Guam, Hawaii, and parts of Micronesia. Summarizes the 3 components of the program (research, research education, and community outreach) and discusses their outcomes and impact. The partnership is part of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (PACHE) program.
Author(s): Hali R. Robinett, Rachael T. Leon Guerrero, John A. Peterson, et al.
Citation: Hawai'i Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 78(6), 205-207
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
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Highlights a partnership between the University of Guam and the University of Hawaii Cancer Center focused on addressing cancer disparities in Pacific Islanders in Guam, Hawaii, and parts of Micronesia. Summarizes the 3 components of the program (research, research education, and community outreach) and discusses their outcomes and impact. The partnership is part of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (PACHE) program.
Author(s): Hali R. Robinett, Rachael T. Leon Guerrero, John A. Peterson, et al.
Citation: Hawai'i Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 78(6), 205-207
Date: 06/2019
Type: Document
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Implementation and Early Results of the Flex Program's Innovative Models Program Area: Final Evaluation Report
Reports on the implementation of the Flex Program and the integration of the Innovative Health Care Models (Innovative Projects) program area in 7 states focused on telehealth, care coordination, and quality improvement. Highlights lessons learned, program discussion, and the evaluation methods for each of the projects. Builds on a 2018 briefing paper, An Interim Evaluation Report of the Innovative Projects Portfolio of the Medicare Flex Grant Program.
Author(s): John A. Gale, Sara Kahn-Troster, Andrew Coburn
Date: 03/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Reports on the implementation of the Flex Program and the integration of the Innovative Health Care Models (Innovative Projects) program area in 7 states focused on telehealth, care coordination, and quality improvement. Highlights lessons learned, program discussion, and the evaluation methods for each of the projects. Builds on a 2018 briefing paper, An Interim Evaluation Report of the Innovative Projects Portfolio of the Medicare Flex Grant Program.
Author(s): John A. Gale, Sara Kahn-Troster, Andrew Coburn
Date: 03/2019
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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HCR95 SD1 Report on Availability of Long-Term Care Beds and its Impact on Wait Times for Acute Care Hospital Beds
Responds to a resolution from the Hawaii legislature requesting an examination of the impact of long-term care bed availability on acute care bed wait times. Reports regionally on challenges from community hospitals across the state, including Critical Access Hospitals and sole community hospitals. Identifies social, economic, and psychiatric factors impacting the ability of hospitals to discharge patients to long-term care and discusses the effects on hospital capacity. Highlights a pilot project planned for the Oahu Region.
Date: 12/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Hawaii Health Systems Corporation
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Responds to a resolution from the Hawaii legislature requesting an examination of the impact of long-term care bed availability on acute care bed wait times. Reports regionally on challenges from community hospitals across the state, including Critical Access Hospitals and sole community hospitals. Identifies social, economic, and psychiatric factors impacting the ability of hospitals to discharge patients to long-term care and discusses the effects on hospital capacity. Highlights a pilot project planned for the Oahu Region.
Date: 12/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Hawaii Health Systems Corporation
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Ke A'o Mau: Strengthening Cultural Competency in Interdisciplinary Education
Summarizes an interprofessional cultural competency course focused on Native Hawaiians. Offers recommendations for designing other courses focused on training interdisciplinary teams in cultural competency to address health disparities.
Author(s): Theresa M. Kreif, Shayne Kukunaokala Yoshimoto, Noreen Mokuau
Citation: Hawai'i Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 77(12), 333-336
Date: 12/2018
Type: Document
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Summarizes an interprofessional cultural competency course focused on Native Hawaiians. Offers recommendations for designing other courses focused on training interdisciplinary teams in cultural competency to address health disparities.
Author(s): Theresa M. Kreif, Shayne Kukunaokala Yoshimoto, Noreen Mokuau
Citation: Hawai'i Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 77(12), 333-336
Date: 12/2018
Type: Document
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The Validation of a School-Based, Culturally Grounded Drug Prevention Curriculum for Rural Hawaiian Youth
Details a study of a school-based drug prevention curriculum designed to be relevant to rural Native Hawaiian youth. Bases findings on faculty interviews. Breaks down the data by participants' gender, age, and position within the school.
Author(s): Scott K. Okamoto, Susana Helm, Lindsey K. Ostrowski, Lucille Flood
Citation: Health Promotion Practice, 19(3), 369-376
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
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Details a study of a school-based drug prevention curriculum designed to be relevant to rural Native Hawaiian youth. Bases findings on faculty interviews. Breaks down the data by participants' gender, age, and position within the school.
Author(s): Scott K. Okamoto, Susana Helm, Lindsey K. Ostrowski, Lucille Flood
Citation: Health Promotion Practice, 19(3), 369-376
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
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The Electronic Health Literacy and Utilization of Technology for Health in a Remote Hawaiian Community: Lana'i
Examines the use of communication technology by community, staff, and board members of Lanai Community Health Center in Hawaii. Evaluates their level of electronic health literacy and offers recommendations for rural communities regarding the use of technology-enabled care.
Author(s): Nash AK Witten, Joseph Humphry
Citation: Hawai'i Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 77(3), 51-59
Date: 03/2018
Type: Document
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Examines the use of communication technology by community, staff, and board members of Lanai Community Health Center in Hawaii. Evaluates their level of electronic health literacy and offers recommendations for rural communities regarding the use of technology-enabled care.
Author(s): Nash AK Witten, Joseph Humphry
Citation: Hawai'i Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 77(3), 51-59
Date: 03/2018
Type: Document
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An Interim Evaluation Report of the Innovative Projects Portfolio of the Medicare Flex Grant Program
Provides background on the Flex Program and the Integration of Innovative Health Care Models (Innovative Projects) program area. Evaluates the impact of the Innovative Projects program area across seven participating states, focusing on activities involving the transition to value-based care, telehealth, care coordination, quality improvement, and system delivery in rural communities. Final implementation results are described in Implementation and Early Results of the Flex Program's Innovative Models Program Area: Final Evaluation Report.
Author(s): Sara Kahn-Troster, John Gale, Anush Hansen, Andrew Coburn
Date: 01/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Provides background on the Flex Program and the Integration of Innovative Health Care Models (Innovative Projects) program area. Evaluates the impact of the Innovative Projects program area across seven participating states, focusing on activities involving the transition to value-based care, telehealth, care coordination, quality improvement, and system delivery in rural communities. Final implementation results are described in Implementation and Early Results of the Flex Program's Innovative Models Program Area: Final Evaluation Report.
Author(s): Sara Kahn-Troster, John Gale, Anush Hansen, Andrew Coburn
Date: 01/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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