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Resources by Topic: Critical Access Hospitals

Trends in Hospital Network Participation and System Affiliation, 2007-2012
Reports trends in hospital network participation and system affiliation among metropolitan and non-metropolitan hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). Compares CAHs with non-CAH small, rural hospitals.
Author(s): Xi Zhu, Fred Ullrich, Keith J. Mueller, A. Clinton MacKinney, Thomas Vaughn
Date: 2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Extent of Telehealth Use in Rural and Urban Hospitals
Discusses the use of telehealth in rural and urban hospitals, and provides statistics on hospital characteristics and common departments and programs with telehealth services. Describes opportunities for telehealth to support healthcare in rural communities.
Author(s): Marcia M. Ward, Fred Ullrich, Keith Mueller
Date: 2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis
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Maine Critical Access Hospitals by County 2014
Shows the location of Critical Access Hospitals in the state of Maine.
Date: 2014
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Maine Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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Maine Critical Access Hospitals by DHHS Districts 2014
Shows the location of Critical Access Hospitals in each DHHS District of Maine.
Date: 2014
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Maine Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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Change in Profitability and Financial Distress of Critical Access Hospitals from Loss of Cost-Based Reimbursement
Examines how proposed changes to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) cost-based reimbursement would affect the financial vulnerability of CAHs. Uses models to forecast the financial impact of 20 and 30 percent reductions in Medicare revenue, and the resulting implications for rural healthcare access.
Author(s): Mark Holmes, George H. Pink
Date: 12/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Implications for Beneficiary Travel Time if Financially-Vulnerable Critical Access Hospitals Close
Examines potential increases in beneficiary travel times and distances if financially-vulnerable Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) close. Analysis is based on a review of 93 CAHs identified as financially-vulnerable and likely to close if reimbursement methods or eligibility requirements change.
Author(s): Victoria A. Freeman, Randy K. Randolph, George Pink, Mark Holmes
Date: 12/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Critical Access Hospital Year 8 Hospital Compare Participation and Quality Measure Results
Examines the participation and quality measure results in 2011 for the Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Compare public reporting database for hospital quality measures.
Additional links: Policy Brief
Author(s): Michelle Casey, Peiyin Hung, Ira Moscovice
Date: 09/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Trends in Observation Care Among Medicare Fee-for-Service Beneficiaries at Critical Access Hospitals, 2007 – 2009
Highlights a study on the prevalence and duration of observational care in Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) compared to Prospective Payment System (PPS) hospitals using Medicare claims data from 2007-2009, as well as 2007 American Hospital Association data to identify hospitals as CAHs or PPS hospitals and whether they were in rural or urban areas.
Author(s): Brad Wright, Hye-Young Jung, Zhanlian Feng, Vincent Mor
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 29(s1), s1-s6
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Provision of Uncompensated Care by Rural Hospitals: A Preliminary Look at Medicare Cost Report Worksheet S-10
Conducts a preliminary assessment of the quality of uncompensated care data included in Medicare Cost Report Worksheet S-10 for rural hospitals and identifies the implications of data quality issues for research and policy decisions. Addresses differences between Critical Access Hospitals and other rural hospitals.
Author(s): Caroline Crews, Kristin L. Reiter, Randy Randolph, G Mark Holmes, George H Pink
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Most Critical Access Hospitals Would Not Meet the Location Requirements if Required to Re-Enroll in Medicare
Recommends that CMS seek legislative authority to remove the permanent distance exemption for Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) that currently have Necessary Provider designations.
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Office of Inspector General (HHS)
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