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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Elderly population

Access in Brief: Seniors and Adults with Physical Disabilities
Explores access to Medicaid-funded long-term services and supports (LTSS) among Medicaid beneficiaries age 65 and older and Medicaid beneficiaries aged 18-64 with physical disabilities. Describes the demographics, health status, service use, and experiences with Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) of these Medicaid beneficiaries using data from the 2017-2018 National Core Indicators Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) Adult Consumer Survey. Presents data by race and ethnicity, dually eligible status, and age.
Date: 08/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
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Geographic Variation in Shortfalls of Dementia Specialists in the United States
Reports on distribution of dementia specialists to identify potential dementia care shortage areas for the older adult population. Discusses the impact on rural residents.
Author(s): Jodi L. Liu, Lawrence Baker, Annie Yu-An Chen, Jue (Jessie) Wang
Citation: Health Affairs Scholar, 2(7)
Date: 07/2024
Type: Document
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Improving Pain Self-Management Among Rural Older Adults With Cancer
Results of a study to test the feasibility, acceptability, and changes in pain outcomes from exposure to the Cancer Health Empowerment for Living without Pain, an intervention designed to help patients' communicate effectively with their clinicians. Uses data from interviews with 30 older adults with cancer who were residing in a noninstitutional rural setting and receiving outpatient care at a rural-based clinic in Tennessee in May 2022. Features demographics and statistics on type and stage of cancer.
Author(s): Megan J. Shen, Tammy Stokes, Sarah Yarborough, Jill Harrison
Citation: JAMA Network Open, 7(7), e2421298
Date: 07/2024
Type: Document
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The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) 2023 Impact Report
A report that describes the activities and materials developed during 2023 to support transportation programs. Includes information on education and outreach, information and technical assistance, website statistics, and community support, with feedback and audience data from both rural and urban areas.
Date: 06/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
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The Appalachian Region: A Data Overview from the 2018-2022 American Community Survey Chartbook
State- and county-level information on population, age, race and ethnicity, housing occupancy, education, labor force, employment, transportation, income, health insurance coverage, disability, and veteran status, for the 13 Appalachian states. Features statistics with breakdowns by 5 levels of population density. Includes data explorer options for Appalachian categories such as population and age, education, income and poverty, computer and broadband access, rural Appalachia versus rural America, and employment and commuting.
Additional links: Full Report
Author(s): Sara Srygley, Nurfadila Khairunnisa, Diana Elliott
Date: 06/2024
Type: Website
Sponsoring organizations: Appalachian Regional Commission, Population Reference Bureau
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Diagnosed Dementia in Adults Age 65 and Older: United States, 2022
Examines the prevalence of diagnosed dementia in the U.S. population in adults aged 65 or older. Utilizes 2022 National Health Interview Survey data to observe dementia prevalence in noninstitutionalized adults, with breakdowns according to age, sex, veteran status, race/ethnicity, education, income, region, and urbanization level, including large central metropolitan, large fringe metropolitan, medium and small metropolitan, and nonmetropolitan location.
Author(s): Ellen A. Kramarow
Date: 06/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Risk Factors for Poor Health Among U.S. Older Adults in Rural and Urban Areas: Injury, Food Insecurity, and Lack of Social and Emotional Support
Examines differences in select risk factors for poor health between rural and urban older adults and among rural older adults, with breakdowns by several sociodemographic characteristics. Features statistics including percentage of older adults experiencing risk factors for poor health, injury and significant injury, food insecurity, and lack of social and emotional support.
Author(s): Ingrid Jacobson, Alexis Swendener, Megan Lahr, Alyssa Fritz, Carrie Henning-Smith
Date: 06/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Barriers to Participation in Clinical Trials of Rural Older Adult Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Study
Explores barriers to clinical trial participation for older cancer survivors living in rural areas. Utilizes semi-structured interviews to discuss challenges such as lack of transportation, limited communication with providers, age, and more.
Author(s): Evelyn Arana-Chicas, Laura M. Hincapie Prisco, Saloni Sharma, et al.
Citation: Journal of Rural Health
Date: 06/2024
Type: Document
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Health Disparities in Tennessee
Examines health disparities experienced by Tennessee residents. Measures include life expectancy, health equity, healthcare access, mental health and trauma, infectious disease, chronic disease, cancer, reproductive health, and age-specific health. Features statistics with breakdowns by race, ethnicity, gender, and urban or rural location.
Date: 05/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Tennessee Department of Health
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Place-Based Strengths and Vulnerabilities for Mental Wellness Among Rural Minority Older Adults: An Intervention Development Study Protocol
Presents a study on access to mental healthcare for older minorities in rural areas. Explores some of the barriers specific to racial and ethnic minorities in rural areas. Uses data as the basis for an intervention focused on place-based disparities in depression.
Author(s): Elise Trott Jaramillo
Citation: BMJ Open, 14(6), e088348
Date: 05/2024
Type: Document
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