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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Obesity and weight control

Indiana County Health Scorecard
Interactive map offering data at the county level for adult obesity, vaccination, infant mortality, life expectancy, smoking, suicide, and injuries.
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: Indiana Department of Health
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Health Behaviors in Rural America as a Public Health Issue
Provides a brief overview of health behaviors in rural areas, along with relevant CDC resources and reports.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Kentucky County Data Profiles
Dashboard providing interactive charts and graphs on a variety of topics by county for Kentucky. Covers healthcare, housing, broadband access, economics, workforce, agriculture, and more. Healthcare-specific topics include employment, providers, obesity, smoking, uninsured population, and physical activity.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: Community & Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky
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Arkansas State Health Improvement Plan 2021-2025
Offers data on Arkansas health in 5 priority areas: access to care, behavioral health, infectious disease and vaccinations, maternal and infant health, and obesity. Discusses trends over time and identifies action steps to improve health indicators. Includes rural-specific considerations throughout.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arkansas Department of Health
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Obesity Prevalence & Comorbidity Map
A mapping tool that provides state-level information on obesity prevalence and related comorbidities. Allows user to select data by sociodemographic populations including sex, age, race/ethnicity, urbanicity, and education level.
Type: Map/Mapping System
Sponsoring organization: NORC at the University of Chicago
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Community Connector: Visualize Social Determinants of Health Scores
Open-sourced tool presents community demographics, social needs, and health outcomes by county in Colorado. Allows users to compare similar counties and select several measures of social determinants of health and health outcomes.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Mathematica
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Solutions in Health Analytics for Rural Equity across the Northwest
Highlights rural health disparities in Alaska, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Presents data on mental and behavioral health, obesity and physical activity, diabetes, tobacco use, oral health, and demographic factors such as housing, education, and health insurance, among others.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice (NWCPHP)
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PLACES: Local Data for Better Health
Interactive mapping system providing chronic disease related data at the county, place, census tract, and ZIP code level. Covers measures related to health status, health outcomes, prevention, health risk behaviors, health-related social needs, and social determinants of health.
Additional links: Compare Measures, Interactive Map, PLACES Data Portal
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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New Mexico Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey (YRRS)
Highlights the results of the Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey (YRRS) for high school and middle school students in New Mexico. Features county-level reports on youth substance use, unintentional injury, and physical activity, among other factors.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organizations: New Mexico Department of Health, New Mexico Public Education Department, New Mexico School of Medicine
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Catalogue of Surveillance Systems
Listing of over 100 publicly available datasets relating to childhood obesity and research. Catalogue is searchable by key words and can be filtered by scope, variables, age groups, racial/ethnic groups, design, and cost. Includes datasets with rural specific information.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research
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