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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Population health

Obesity Treatment Initiation, Retention, and Outcomes in the Veterans Affairs MOVE! Program among Rural and Urban Veterans
Compares rural, highly rural, and urban veterans' likelihood of initiating participation in the Veterans Affairs weight management program (VA MOVE!) or of receiving anti-obesity medication or bariatric surgery. Utilizes 2015-2017 Veterans Affairs patient data. Includes data on treatment retention and weight loss.
Author(s): Kathleen M. Robinson, Mark Vander Weg, Helena H. Laroche, et al.
Citation: Obesity Science & Practice, 8(6), 784-793
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
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Farmer's Mental Well-Being Project: Statewide Survey Report
Surveyed 1651 farmers, farm spouses, and farmworkers in 2022 to identify stressors as perceived by farmers in Georgia. Discusses suicide, age, stress, insurance status, job satisfaction, agribusiness, COVID-19, healthcare access, coping mechanisms, and more.
Author(s): Stephanie Basey, Anne Montgomery, Ben West, Chris Scoggins, Lily Baucom
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Georgia Foundation for Agriculture, Georgia Rural Health Innovation Center, Mercer University School of Medicine
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Healthy Iowans: Iowa's State Health Assessment
Provides an overview of population health in Iowa with a focus on health outcomes and related social, economic, and environmental factors. Outlines Iowa's overall health profile and priority areas in public health. Includes county-level data on life expectancy, primary care and dentist workforce supply, and transportation; census tract data comparing rural and urban food access; and discussions geared toward rural-specific health issues.
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Illinois Department of Public Health
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Public Involvement to Support Planning and Environment Linkages in Rural and Small Metropolitan Areas
Describes strategies to increase public input when planning transportation projects in rural and tribal areas that may have an environmental or social impact on the community. Discusses ways to incorporate feedback from underserved and culturally diverse groups, including Native American, immigrant, and refugee populations.
Author(s): Carrie Kissel, Rachel Beyerle, Ciara Ristig
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: NADO Research Foundation, National Association of Development Organizations
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Characteristics of Suicide Among Farmers and Ranchers: Using the CDC NVDRS 2003–2018
Explores the demographics, methods, and mental health statuses and histories associated with suicide mortality among farmers and ranchers. Breaks down data by age, gender, and rural versus urban location, among other factors, as well as suicide method, life stressors, mental health history, and others.
Author(s): Cristina D. M. Miller, Josie M. Rudolphi
Citation: American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 65(8), 675-689
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
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Latino/a Farmworkers' Concerns about Safety and Health in the Pennsylvania Mushroom Industry
Interviews 60 Latino/a Pennsylvania mushroom farm farmworkers between September 2018 and January 2019 to determine their perception of occupational health and safety in their workplaces. Data show types of injuries and workplace conditions contributing to injuries broken down by gender.
Author(s): Kathleen Sexsmith, Effie E. Palacios, Maria Gorgo-Gourovitch, Ilse A. Huerta Arredondo
Citation: Journal of Agromedicine 27(2), 169-182
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
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Advancing Rural Health Equity Stakeholder Report
Outlines the strengths and challenges of rural healthcare delivery in New Hampshire and southeastern Vermont with a special emphasis on health equity using the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Achieving Health Equity: A Guide for Healthcare Organizations framework. Describes the process for developing the Center for Advancing Rural Health Equity's (CARHE) scope and includes recommendations for the short-term, including strategies for collaboration among the community, healthcare research, and healthcare practice. Recommendations developed as a result of interviews with 13 rural stakeholders.
Author(s): Yaël Gill, Kate B. Hilton
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Advancing Rural Health Equity
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Introduction to Improving Telehealth and Virtual Care for Pain Management and Opioid/ Substance Use Disorder
Presents the proceedings of a meeting discussing the use of telehealth and virtual care to treat substance use disorder (SUD), opioid use disorder (OUD), and to monitor pain management. Highlights the effect the COVID-19 pandemic on telehealth use, regulation, and reimbursement. Features considerations for rural communities.
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Academy of Medicine
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Evaluating Vaccination Coverage and Timeliness in American Indian/Alaska Native and Non-Hispanic White Children Using State Immunization Information System Data, 2015–2017
Explores the rates of vaccination coverage and timeliness among American Indian and Alaska Native children in Montana. Compares rates with non-Hispanic White children. Breaks down data by vaccines given, doses received, and time of vaccinations, among other measures.
Author(s): Sarah Y. Michels, Rain E. Freeman, Elizabeth Williams, et al.
Citation: Preventive Medicine Reports, 27, 101817
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
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Rural Health in Connecticut A Comprehensive Review of Social Determinants, Community Resources, Health Outcomes, and Wellbeing
Documents the nature of public health for Connecticut's rural populations with a focus on trends, to understand how these populations are changing. Features chapters on social determinants of health, healthcare systems, health risks and behaviors, and health outcomes.
Author(s): Kelly Davila, Camille Seaberry
Date: 06/2022
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: DataHaven
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