June 28, 2023
New HIV infections are on the decline in the U.S. — but in some rural areas, lingering stigma and misunderstanding still stand as barriers to the prevention and treatment of the virus.
June 14, 2023
A December 2021 survey from the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) suggests that farmers and farmworkers are more aware of mental health resources and less likely to see stigma as a barrier to care, compared to previous surveys. Experts from AgriSafe, AgWell, and AFBF share their own success stories of stigma reduction as well as the challenges that remain in addressing farmers' mental health.
May 24, 2023
Pivoting from a universal question, "How'd you sleep?" clinical sleep experts, a federal public health agency representative, and Nebraska Extension discussed sleep's impact on rural health and public safety.
April 5, 2023
As Program Chief of the Office of Rural Mental Health Research, Dawn Morales, PhD, discusses recent stressors such as the financial impact of natural disasters on farmers and ranchers as well as the loss of revered elders in indigenous communities due to COVID-19. She also stresses the importance of cultural competency in mental healthcare and rural-specific protective factors.
February 22, 2023
A community consortium in McKinley County brings together a range of local organizations and entities to take a holistic approach to recovery.
January 25, 2023
Rural teens face a higher prevalence of behavior problems, anxiety, and suicide rates than their urban peers, but there are fewer behavioral health providers in rural areas to help these teens. A trauma therapist in rural West Virginia and a school program in rural Wisconsin incorporate teenagers' strengths and interests and connect them with trusted adults in order to improve their mental health.
August 31, 2022
A skilled nursing facility in New Hampshire and national experts share the benefits telehealth services can bring to the residents and staff of rural long-term care facilities as well as the challenges some facilities face in providing these services.
July 13, 2022
Rural mortality rates had been improving until recent years when a perfect storm of the opioid epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic converged to reverse these gains. However, federally funded efforts have sought to stem the tide through community, clinical, and policy efforts.
May 4, 2022
A new library initiative in Texas and an established crisis line in Georgia are bringing mental health services directly to rural residents through teams of lay mental health workers and mental health professionals.
March 23, 2022
Parent Partners is a statewide program in Iowa that pairs families whose children have been removed from the home with mentors with shared experience who have successfully navigated the state's Department of Human Services (DHS) system. These mentors coach, advocate, and connect their clients with community resources.