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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by State: Maine

Maine's Physician, Nurse Practitioner, and Physician Assistant Workforce in 2018
Presents a report on the workforce supply of physicians, nurse practitioner, and physician assistant workforce in Maine. Compares data to a 2014 report, as well as data from rural and urban counties.
Author(s): Susan M. Skillman, Benjamin A. Stubbs, Arati Dahal
Date: 07/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: UW Center for Health Workforce Studies
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USDA Maine Rural Opioid Misuse Roundtable
Features a roundtable on the rural opioid crisis in Maine hosted USDA Maine Rural Development. Presents discussion between community leaders, experts, and people working to provide treatment and prevention of opioid addiction in rural Maine.
Date: 07/2018
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: USDA Rural Development Maine State Office
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Rural Post-Acute Care: Healthcare Leaders Offer Practical Solutions to Workforce Challenges
Describes methods for preparing and supporting healthcare workers who provide post-acute care in rural areas. Highlights programs that empower and train staff, maximize community partnerships, involve community health workers, and use telemonitoring.
Author(s): Jenn Lukens
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Rural Post-Acute Care: Improving Transitions to Enhance Patient Recovery
Highlights approaches that are improving patient transitions from acute care to post-acute care (PAC) in rural settings. Features a tertiary facility's communication with skilled nursing facilities in Tennessee and Kentucky, a Nebraska Critical Access Hospital's swing bed program, and a home health agency serving rural Maine.
Author(s): Jenn Lukens
Date: 05/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Telehomecare Monitoring Services: Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems VNA Home Health Hospice
Discusses the development, impact, lessons learned, and future goals of a telehealth home health and hospice monitoring program for a healthcare system in rural Maine.
Date: 04/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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A Supermarket Double-Dollar Incentive Program Increases Purchases of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables among Low Income Families with Children: The Healthy Double Study
Analyzes results from a randomized control study at a supermarket in rural Maine to assess whether financial incentives are effective in increasing the number of fruits and vegetables low-income families purchase. Includes participants' weekly spending on fruits and vegetables, with data categorized by Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participation.
Author(s): Michele Polacsek, Alyssa Moran, Anne Thorndike, et al.
Citation: Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50(3), 217-228.e1
Date: 03/2018
Type: Document
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State Innovation Models (SIM) Initiative Evaluation: Model Test Year Four Annual Report
Fourth annual report on Round 1 of the CMS State Innovation Models (SIM) Initiative, which tests the ability of the governments in six states - Arkansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon, and Vermont - to move providers to value-based payment models (VPMs). Describes the experiences of providers, health systems, consumers, payers, and state officials during the final full implementation year for most Round 1 states. Presents interim impacts on healthcare utilization, cost, and quality for individuals reached by SIM-supported VPMs during the SIM Initiative period. Includes information specific to rural areas.
Date: 03/2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, RTI International
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Rural AAAs Structure and Services: Information & Planning Issue Brief
Examines differences between rural and non-rural Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), using data from the 2016 AAA National Survey. Features statistics on budgets, budget sources, staff, structure, services, and participation in integrated care initiatives, with breakdowns by rural and non-rural location. Includes case studies from Maine, Virginia, and Utah.
Date: 2018
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: USAging
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Innovations in Rural Health System Development: Federally Qualified Health Center Initiatives
Reports on Maine's Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). Discusses strategies for workforce recruitment and retention, serving high-need patient populations, addressing critical community needs, and providing services that address the social determinants of health. Provides various examples of programs from across the state.
Author(s): Sara Kahn-Troster, Amanda Burgess, Andrew Coburn
Date: 09/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Catherine Cutler Institute, Maine Health Access Foundation
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Tackling the Opioid Crisis in a Rural Community
Discusses a partnership between a rural hospital physician and the director of a community counseling center to establish a medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction in rural Maine. Presents the program's support structure, as well as the advantages of having an integrated treatment approach.
Date: 09/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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