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Rural Health
Resources by State: Maine

Implementation of Universal School Meals During COVID-19 and Beyond: School Food Authority and Parent Perspectives
Examines the implementation of the Universal School Meals (USM) policy during COVID-19 and the continuation of USM in California and Maine. Analyzes survey data from school food authorities (SFAs) and parents in both states. Reports on issues such as food procurement and staffing issues during COVID-19, parental perspectives on school meals, and benefits of USM. Includes feedback from rural areas in Maine.
Additional links: Brief
Author(s): Leah Chapman, Juliana F. W. Cohen, Wendi Gosliner, et al.
Date: 09/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: No Kid Hungry
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A Descriptive Study of Covid-Era Movers to the Northern Forest Region
Discusses citizen relocation to the northern forest region, consisting of counties in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York. Describes motivations for relocation during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as opportunities for outdoor recreation and access to rural spaces.
Author(s): Jess Carson, Sarah Boege, Libby Schwaner
Date: 08/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Carsey School of Public Policy
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Eight Postpartum Support Programs in Rural Communities Across the United States
Highlights locally-focused organizations working to improve postpartum health for rural residents across the United States. Profiles 8 unique organizations serving rural communities in Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Oregon, South Carolina, and Washington.
Author(s): Mariana Tuttle, Phoebe Chastain, Julia D. Interrante, Carrie Henning-Smith, Katy Backes Kozhimannil
Date: 08/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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New England Health System CEOs Address Rural Healthcare Crisis In A Live Conversation
Recording of a May 22, 2023, roundtable discussion with the chief executive officers (CEOs) of Dartmouth Health, MaineHealth, and the University of Vermont Health Network regarding the challenges rural healthcare providers face. Covers workforce challenges, regulatory and inflation challenges, and innovations to preserve access to care. Transcript is available in the video description.
Date: 05/2023
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Dartmouth Health
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Evaluation of the Maternal Opioid Misuse (MOM) Model Second Annual Report (Implementation Year 1)
Provides an overview of the Maternal Opioid Misuse Model, which provides evidence-based integrated care and care coordination for pregnant and postpartum Medicaid beneficiaries with opioid use disorder (OUD). Describes activities MOM Model awardees undertook during the MOM Model's first implementation year, July 1, 2021–June 30, 2022. Discusses barriers pregnant and postpartum people with OUD face in accessing high-quality, continuous care, specifically in rural areas.
Additional links: Findings at a Glance
Date: 04/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Insight Policy Research
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Stigma and Opioid Use Disorder in Northern New England
Report presents a study on the stigma around opioid use disorder (OUD) in Northern New England. Details the results of a survey of clinicians and counselors on the perceived stigma around OUD and OUD treatment in the rural counties of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Northern New York.
Date: 04/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Vermont Center on Rural Addiction
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Risk and Protective Factors for Vaping and Smoking Among High School Students in Maine
Examines risks and protective factors related to vaping and smoking among 17,651 high school students in Maine. Provides odds of vaping and smoking according to health and wellness behaviors, perceptions of substance use, and family support, as well as by demographic factors such as sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, grade level, and county.
Author(s): Gabriel Tilton, Sara Huston, Pamela Albert
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 20
Date: 04/2023
Type: Document
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Can Community Paramedicine Improve Health Outcomes in Rural America?
Profiles three community paramedicine programs that serve rural communities in the Midwest, Maine, and Pennsylvania. Describes how community paramedicine can help fill gaps in care in rural communities and improve health outcomes. Identifies challenges to the growth of rural community paramedicine programs, including funding, payment, and workforce.
Author(s): Vida Foubister
Date: 03/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Commonwealth Fund
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Rural School- and Community-Based Programs Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth
Highlights several school and community based programs that support the mental health and wellness of LGBTQ+ youth in rural communities. Presents four case studies of youth programs in rural communities in Minnesota and Maine. Discusses the context, organizational overview, key features, and challenges and opportunities for each program.
Author(s): Madeleine Pick, Robert Libal, Mariana Tuttle, Carrie Henning-Smith
Date: 02/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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Examining Health Care Workforce Shortages: Where Do We Go From Here?
Recording of a February 16, 2023, U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions hearing on healthcare provider shortages. Includes discussion of shortages in rural areas, including rural nurses. Features testimonies by representatives of the University of New England, Meharry Medical College, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, Ochsner Health, and Dartmouth College.
Additional links: Douglas Staiger, Dartmouth College - Testimony, James E.K. Hildreth, Sr., Meharry Medical College - Testimony, James Herbert, University of New England - Testimony, Leonardo Seoane, Ochsner Health - Testimony
Date: 02/2023
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
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