Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Criminal justice system
Violent Victimization and Substance Dependency: Comparing Rural Incarcerated Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Women
Reports findings from a study of rural Appalachian women prisoners that looked at sexual identity and violent victimization experiences as they relate to alcohol and drug use.
Author(s): Melanie D. Otis, Carrie B. Oser, Michele Staton-Tindall
Citation: Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 16(1-2), 176-201
Date: 2016
Type: Document
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Reports findings from a study of rural Appalachian women prisoners that looked at sexual identity and violent victimization experiences as they relate to alcohol and drug use.
Author(s): Melanie D. Otis, Carrie B. Oser, Michele Staton-Tindall
Citation: Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 16(1-2), 176-201
Date: 2016
Type: Document
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Drug Use, Hepatitis C, and Service Availability: Perspectives of Incarcerated Rural Women
Examines drug use and the health consequences of drug use, hepatitis C, and health service availability among a high-risk sample of women serving time in jail for drug use. Data was collected from a sample of 22 female offenders incarcerated in 3 jail facilities located in rural Appalachia.
Author(s): Michele Staton-Tindall, J. Matthew Webster, Carrie B. Oser, Jennifer R. Havens, Carl G. Leukefeld
Citation: Social Work in Public Health, 30(4) 385–396
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
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Examines drug use and the health consequences of drug use, hepatitis C, and health service availability among a high-risk sample of women serving time in jail for drug use. Data was collected from a sample of 22 female offenders incarcerated in 3 jail facilities located in rural Appalachia.
Author(s): Michele Staton-Tindall, J. Matthew Webster, Carrie B. Oser, Jennifer R. Havens, Carl G. Leukefeld
Citation: Social Work in Public Health, 30(4) 385–396
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
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An Examination of Hate and Bias Incidents in Pennsylvania, 1999 – 2012
Examines hate and bias incidents in Pennsylvania to compare their frequency, nature and impact on urban and rural communities.
Author(s): R. Barry Ruback, Andrew Gladfelter, Brendan Lantz
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Pennsylvania
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Examines hate and bias incidents in Pennsylvania to compare their frequency, nature and impact on urban and rural communities.
Author(s): R. Barry Ruback, Andrew Gladfelter, Brendan Lantz
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Rural Pennsylvania
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Attorney General's Advisory Committee on American Indian/Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence: Ending Violence So Children Can Thrive
Reports on the current epidemic of American Indian and Alaskan Native children's exposure to violence, and offers policy recommendations to the Attorney General on ways to address the issues.
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Department of Justice
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Reports on the current epidemic of American Indian and Alaskan Native children's exposure to violence, and offers policy recommendations to the Attorney General on ways to address the issues.
Date: 11/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Department of Justice
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'We Desperately Need Some Help Here' - The Experience of Legal Experts with Sexual Assault and Evidence Collection in Rural Communities
Provides context to promote understanding of the rural medico-legal response to sexual assault, and to inform sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) in rural areas. Describes the importance of the SANE role when responding to sexual assault and discusses possible solutions, such as telemedicine, to address the need for more properly trained SANEs in rural communities. Experts interviewed were from rural areas in Virginia.
Author(s): Sandra Annan
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 14(4), 2659
Date: 10/2014
Type: Document
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Provides context to promote understanding of the rural medico-legal response to sexual assault, and to inform sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) in rural areas. Describes the importance of the SANE role when responding to sexual assault and discusses possible solutions, such as telemedicine, to address the need for more properly trained SANEs in rural communities. Experts interviewed were from rural areas in Virginia.
Author(s): Sandra Annan
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 14(4), 2659
Date: 10/2014
Type: Document
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An Interview with Lisa Davis
The director of the Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health discusses innovative programs, hydraulic fracking, and her work in prisons.
Author(s): Beth Blevins
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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The director of the Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health discusses innovative programs, hydraulic fracking, and her work in prisons.
Author(s): Beth Blevins
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 05/2014
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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A Roadmap to Making Native America Safer
A report to the President and Congress detailing the challenges of jurisdiction, law enforcement, and prosecution for tribal governments. Includes a discussion of the need for intergovernmental cooperation, alternative detention options, and juvenile justice preventions.
Date: 11/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Indian Law and Order Commission
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A report to the President and Congress detailing the challenges of jurisdiction, law enforcement, and prosecution for tribal governments. Includes a discussion of the need for intergovernmental cooperation, alternative detention options, and juvenile justice preventions.
Date: 11/2013
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Indian Law and Order Commission
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Mental Health Services in Rural Jails
Explores the role of jails within rural mental health systems, investigating how rural jails manage mental health and substance abuse problems among inmates. Also identifies barriers to providing mental health services in rural jails and shares promising practices for improving service delivery. Study focuses on rural, county-based jails in Minnesota, Montana, Texas, and Vermont.
Additional links: Policy Brief, September 2009
Author(s): Melanie M. Race, Anush Yousefian, David Lambert, David Hartley
Date: 08/2010
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Explores the role of jails within rural mental health systems, investigating how rural jails manage mental health and substance abuse problems among inmates. Also identifies barriers to providing mental health services in rural jails and shares promising practices for improving service delivery. Study focuses on rural, county-based jails in Minnesota, Montana, Texas, and Vermont.
Additional links: Policy Brief, September 2009
Author(s): Melanie M. Race, Anush Yousefian, David Lambert, David Hartley
Date: 08/2010
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Perspectives on Civil Protective Orders in Domestic Violence Cases: The Rural and Urban Divide
Discusses the barriers to getting restraining orders for rural and urban domestic violence victims.
Author(s): Nikki Hawkins
Citation: NIJ Journal, 266
Date: 05/2010
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Institute of Justice
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Discusses the barriers to getting restraining orders for rural and urban domestic violence victims.
Author(s): Nikki Hawkins
Citation: NIJ Journal, 266
Date: 05/2010
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Institute of Justice
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Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (NIS-4)
Report to Congress regarding the rate of child abuse and neglect nationwide. Includes data and statistics of distribution of abuse and neglect by demographics, income and education level, perpetrator characteristics, and geographic location. Also includes resources to recognize and find treatment for victims.
Author(s): Andrea J. Sedlak, Jane Mettenburg, Monica Basena, et al.
Date: 2010
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Administration for Children and Families
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Report to Congress regarding the rate of child abuse and neglect nationwide. Includes data and statistics of distribution of abuse and neglect by demographics, income and education level, perpetrator characteristics, and geographic location. Also includes resources to recognize and find treatment for victims.
Author(s): Andrea J. Sedlak, Jane Mettenburg, Monica Basena, et al.
Date: 2010
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Administration for Children and Families
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