Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Environmental health
Greener Pastures
A documentary that follows 4 Midwestern farm families over a number of years and examines issues such as mental health, social isolation, climate change, and economic uncertainty. Provides commentary on farming life in rural America.
Date: 03/2024
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Public Broadcasting Service
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A documentary that follows 4 Midwestern farm families over a number of years and examines issues such as mental health, social isolation, climate change, and economic uncertainty. Provides commentary on farming life in rural America.
Date: 03/2024
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Public Broadcasting Service
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IEUBK Modeling of Children's Blood Lead Levels in Homes Served by Private Domestic Wells in Three Illinois Counties
Examines the potential for elevated blood lead levels (BLL) due to consuming water from private wells in rural areas by utilizing Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic (IEUBK) modeling. Analyzes the water lead levels (WLLs) in 151 homes located in Illinois and discusses water safety for rural children.
Author(s): Sarah Keeley, Samuel Dorevitch, Walton Kelly, David E. Jacobs, Sarah D. Geiger
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(3), 337
Date: 03/2024
Type: Document
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Examines the potential for elevated blood lead levels (BLL) due to consuming water from private wells in rural areas by utilizing Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic (IEUBK) modeling. Analyzes the water lead levels (WLLs) in 151 homes located in Illinois and discusses water safety for rural children.
Author(s): Sarah Keeley, Samuel Dorevitch, Walton Kelly, David E. Jacobs, Sarah D. Geiger
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(3), 337
Date: 03/2024
Type: Document
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Ohio Health Policy Brief: Connections Between Water Quality and Health
Examines water quality in Ohio, the health impacts of polluted water, and water policy to address potential harm. Provides data on harmful algal bloom, percent of households without complete plumbing facilities by county type, per capita H2Ohio funding for lead service line replacements by county type, and counties with drinking water violations. Includes discussion about environmental health disparities in disadvantaged populations, such as Appalachian and rural.
Author(s): Lexi Chirakos, Robin Blair-Ackison, Tonni Oberly, Jacob Santiago, Anna Sheeran
Date: 03/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Health Policy Institute of Ohio
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Examines water quality in Ohio, the health impacts of polluted water, and water policy to address potential harm. Provides data on harmful algal bloom, percent of households without complete plumbing facilities by county type, per capita H2Ohio funding for lead service line replacements by county type, and counties with drinking water violations. Includes discussion about environmental health disparities in disadvantaged populations, such as Appalachian and rural.
Author(s): Lexi Chirakos, Robin Blair-Ackison, Tonni Oberly, Jacob Santiago, Anna Sheeran
Date: 03/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Health Policy Institute of Ohio
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The Chickahominy T.R.U.T.H. (Trust, Research, Understand, Teach, and Heal) Project—A Tribal Community–Academic Partnership for Understanding the Impact of Structural Factors on Perceived Cancer Risk in Rural Virginia
Provides an overview of the Chickahominy T.R.U.T.H. Project, a community–academic partnership between the Virginia Chickahominy Indian Tribe and Virginia Commonwealth University. Designed to investigate perceived cancer risk in Charles City County, Virginia; assess cancer knowledge, care access gaps, and perceived risks; and develop culturally tailored cancer education and resource navigation. Based on data from 50 in-person interviews and water tests near an area with significantly elevated cancer incidence rates.
Additional links: Supplemental Materials
Author(s): Katherine Y. Tossas, Bianca D. Owens, Savannah Reitzel, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(3), 262
Date: 02/2024
Type: Document
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Provides an overview of the Chickahominy T.R.U.T.H. Project, a community–academic partnership between the Virginia Chickahominy Indian Tribe and Virginia Commonwealth University. Designed to investigate perceived cancer risk in Charles City County, Virginia; assess cancer knowledge, care access gaps, and perceived risks; and develop culturally tailored cancer education and resource navigation. Based on data from 50 in-person interviews and water tests near an area with significantly elevated cancer incidence rates.
Additional links: Supplemental Materials
Author(s): Katherine Y. Tossas, Bianca D. Owens, Savannah Reitzel, et al.
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(3), 262
Date: 02/2024
Type: Document
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NCHS Rapid Surveys System: Chemical Hair Products
Tables showing trends in chemical hair product use by adults within a 12 month period. Includes data breakdown of various demographics including age, race and ethnicity, urbanicity, and more. Data gathered by the National Center for Health Statistics in August 2023.
Date: 02/2024
Type: Chart/Graph
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Tables showing trends in chemical hair product use by adults within a 12 month period. Includes data breakdown of various demographics including age, race and ethnicity, urbanicity, and more. Data gathered by the National Center for Health Statistics in August 2023.
Date: 02/2024
Type: Chart/Graph
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Rural Economic Development Toolkit
A toolkit designed to assist rural stakeholders with improving their outdoor recreation economies. Focuses on population health, quality of life, resilient businesses and economies, and vibrant outdoor spaces. Includes information on economic development and best practices, networking and collaboration, funding, infrastructure needs, and addressing challenges.
Additional links: Webinar
Date: 01/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Outdoor Recreation Roundtable
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A toolkit designed to assist rural stakeholders with improving their outdoor recreation economies. Focuses on population health, quality of life, resilient businesses and economies, and vibrant outdoor spaces. Includes information on economic development and best practices, networking and collaboration, funding, infrastructure needs, and addressing challenges.
Additional links: Webinar
Date: 01/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Outdoor Recreation Roundtable
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Public Health Implications of 911 Calls During Heat and Smoke Events
Highlights a study exploring rates of 911 calls related to extreme heat and wildfire related smoke incidents in Missoula County, MT. Differentiates calls within the county by Census tract to identify rural versus urban callers and breaks down the data by average temperature, average particulate matter, and demographic details of callers, among other measures.
Author(s): Christina S. Barsky, Lauren K. McKeague, M. Blake Emidy
Citation: Natural Hazards Center Public Health Disaster Research Report Series, Report 42
Date: 2024
Type: Document
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Highlights a study exploring rates of 911 calls related to extreme heat and wildfire related smoke incidents in Missoula County, MT. Differentiates calls within the county by Census tract to identify rural versus urban callers and breaks down the data by average temperature, average particulate matter, and demographic details of callers, among other measures.
Author(s): Christina S. Barsky, Lauren K. McKeague, M. Blake Emidy
Citation: Natural Hazards Center Public Health Disaster Research Report Series, Report 42
Date: 2024
Type: Document
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2022 Pennsylvania Childhood Lead Surveillance Annual Report
Examines results of blood lead level testing of Pennsylvania children during calendar year 2022. Provides information about methods of testing and reporting, and statistics for county of residence, municipality, race and ethnicity, and residence in a rural or urban county.
Date: 2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Pennsylvania Department of Health
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Examines results of blood lead level testing of Pennsylvania children during calendar year 2022. Provides information about methods of testing and reporting, and statistics for county of residence, municipality, race and ethnicity, and residence in a rural or urban county.
Date: 2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Pennsylvania Department of Health
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2024 Status of Women and Girls in Minnesota
Report examining economic opportunity, safety, health and wellness, and leadership equality among women and girls in Minnesota based on data from the American Community Survey, Minnesota Student Survey, and other sources. Highlights disparities in healthcare access, food security, and environmental health for rural populations.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Date: 2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Center on Women, Gender and Public Policy, University of Minnesota, Women's Foundation of Minnesota
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Report examining economic opportunity, safety, health and wellness, and leadership equality among women and girls in Minnesota based on data from the American Community Survey, Minnesota Student Survey, and other sources. Highlights disparities in healthcare access, food security, and environmental health for rural populations.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Date: 2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Center on Women, Gender and Public Policy, University of Minnesota, Women's Foundation of Minnesota
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Social and Structural Determinants of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality: An Evidence Map
Presents results of a systematic literature review of risk factors associated with maternal morbidity and mortality before, during, and after birth. Reports study findings on social and structural determinants of health including race, income, mental health, rurality, environment, violence, trauma, and more. Observes the state of current research and identifies limitations.
Additional links: Executive Summary, Full Report
Author(s): Jaime Slaughter-Acey, Kathryn Behrens, Amy M. Claussen, et al.
Date: 12/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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Presents results of a systematic literature review of risk factors associated with maternal morbidity and mortality before, during, and after birth. Reports study findings on social and structural determinants of health including race, income, mental health, rurality, environment, violence, trauma, and more. Observes the state of current research and identifies limitations.
Additional links: Executive Summary, Full Report
Author(s): Jaime Slaughter-Acey, Kathryn Behrens, Amy M. Claussen, et al.
Date: 12/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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