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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Obesity and weight control

Community Connector: Visualize Social Determinants of Health Scores
Open-sourced tool presents community demographics, social needs, and health outcomes by county in Colorado. Allows users to compare similar counties and select several measures of social determinants of health and health outcomes.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Mathematica
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Solutions in Health Analytics for Rural Equity across the Northwest
Highlights rural health disparities in Alaska, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Presents data on mental and behavioral health, obesity and physical activity, diabetes, tobacco use, oral health, and demographic factors such as housing, education, and health insurance, among others.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice (NWCPHP)
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PLACES: Local Data for Better Health
Interactive mapping system providing chronic disease related data at the county, place, census tract, and ZIP code level. Covers measures related to health status, health outcomes, prevention, health risk behaviors, health-related social needs, and social determinants of health.
Additional links: Compare Measures, Interactive Map, PLACES Data Portal
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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New Mexico Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey (YRRS)
Highlights the results of the Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey (YRRS) for high school and middle school students in New Mexico. Features county-level reports on youth substance use, unintentional injury, and physical activity, among other factors.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organizations: New Mexico Department of Health, New Mexico Public Education Department, New Mexico School of Medicine
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Catalogue of Surveillance Systems
Listing of over 100 publicly available datasets relating to childhood obesity and research. Catalogue is searchable by key words and can be filtered by scope, variables, age groups, racial/ethnic groups, design, and cost. Includes datasets with rural specific information.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research
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Case Study: Health Coaches Partner with Community Members to Achieve Health and Wellness Goals
Details key steps and lessons learned to implementing a Health Coach program at Saunders Medical Center in Wahoo, Nebraska. Describes the program serving Wahoo and its surrounding communities. Provides education and advocacy for patients' overall health that produced positive results in 4 areas: mental health, breast health, diabetes, and obesity.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bryan Health, Edge Wellness, Family Service Lincoln, Saunders County Prevention Coalition, Saunders Medical Center, Three Rivers Public Health Department, Wahoo Parks and Recreation
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Case Study: Rural Health System Partners with Local Fitness Centers and Small Businesses to Improve Workplace Wellness
Outlines Henderson Health Care Services' reaction to a 2015 community health needs assessment (CHNA) that identified fitness and nutrition as community concerns. Composed of a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) and several specialty and primary care clinics, the Henderson, Nebraska-based rural health system launched a workplace wellness program called Body @ Work. The program offers area employees reduced membership rates at participating fitness centers, wellness education, and other preventive care opportunities such as blood pressure checks at the workplace.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Bryan Health
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Case Study: Community Fitness Initiative Helps Lower Childhood Obesity Rates
Details key steps and lessons learned of community stakeholders in Lexington, Nebraska, regarding an initiative aimed at reducing local childhood obesity rates. Using a partnership approach, leaders at Lexington Regional Health Center successfully implemented a community-wide program, the Community Fitness Initiative (CFI), to reduce obesity rates in area schools.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bryan Health, City of Lexington Nebraska, Lexington Community Foundation, Lexington Public Schools, Lexington Regional Health Center
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U.S. Diabetes Surveillance System
Provides access to national, state, and county-level data and trends for diabetes and diabetes-related concerns. Select "indicators" to view additional data options, including burden of diabetes, preventive care, health status and disability, risk factors, and diabetes-related end-stage renal disease. Also includes data on social determinants of health that have the potential to impact diabetes health disparities.
Type: Website
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Case Study: Community Partnerships Engage Residents in Healthy Living
Explains how Merrick Medical Center, located in Central City, Nebraska, partnered with other community organizations to help residents improve overall health by focusing on fitness and wellness activities. Shares their approach, results, lessons learned, and more from Merrick Medical Center's campaign to reinvent preventive care in the community.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bader Villa, Bryan Health, Bryan Merrick Medical Center, Central City Public Schools, Cottonwood Estates, Dark Island Walking Trail Association
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