Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Tobacco use
Implications of Rural Residence and Single Mother Status for Maternal Smoking Behaviors
Reports on a study using survey data to analyze and compare smoking behaviors of rural and urban mothers, both single and married, to determine if there is a relationship between prevalence of smoking, rurality, and single mother status.
Author(s): Jean A. Talbot, Donald Szlosek, Erika C. Ziller
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Reports on a study using survey data to analyze and compare smoking behaviors of rural and urban mothers, both single and married, to determine if there is a relationship between prevalence of smoking, rurality, and single mother status.
Author(s): Jean A. Talbot, Donald Szlosek, Erika C. Ziller
Date: 10/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Delay Discounting and Self-Reported Impulsivity in Adolescent Smokers and Nonsmokers Living in Rural Appalachia
Examines whether impulsivity is associated with adolescent smoking status in rural Appalachian regions of Ohio and Kentucky. Impulsivity data was collected for two measures, delay discounting and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale 11, through self-reported assessments. Includes demographic data on adolescent smokers and nonsmokers by number of cigarettes per day, number of friends who smoke, whether their closest friend smokes, and if at least one parent smokes.
Author(s): Russell Lewis, Millie Harris, Stacey A. Slone, Brent J. Shelton, Brady Reynolds
Citation: The American Journal on Addictions, 24(6), 492-494
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
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Examines whether impulsivity is associated with adolescent smoking status in rural Appalachian regions of Ohio and Kentucky. Impulsivity data was collected for two measures, delay discounting and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale 11, through self-reported assessments. Includes demographic data on adolescent smokers and nonsmokers by number of cigarettes per day, number of friends who smoke, whether their closest friend smokes, and if at least one parent smokes.
Author(s): Russell Lewis, Millie Harris, Stacey A. Slone, Brent J. Shelton, Brady Reynolds
Citation: The American Journal on Addictions, 24(6), 492-494
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
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Results from the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed Tables
Provides data on illicit drug, alcohol, and tobacco use and attitudes, as well as access to substance abuse treatment. Rural-specific information is available in the detailed tables that list "geographic characteristics."
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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Provides data on illicit drug, alcohol, and tobacco use and attitudes, as well as access to substance abuse treatment. Rural-specific information is available in the detailed tables that list "geographic characteristics."
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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Attitudes and Beliefs of Primary Care Providers in New Mexico About Lung Cancer Screening Using Low-Dose Computed Tomography
Reports on a study to determine the awareness and attitudes of 10 rural and urban primary healthcare providers in New Mexico (8 practicing in Federally Qualified Health Centers) who use low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) when screening high-risk, underserved minority populations for lung cancer.
Author(s): Richard M. Hoffman, Andrew L. Sussman, Christina M. Getrich, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 12
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
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Reports on a study to determine the awareness and attitudes of 10 rural and urban primary healthcare providers in New Mexico (8 practicing in Federally Qualified Health Centers) who use low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) when screening high-risk, underserved minority populations for lung cancer.
Author(s): Richard M. Hoffman, Andrew L. Sussman, Christina M. Getrich, et al.
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 12
Date: 07/2015
Type: Document
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Non-Communicable Diseases and Preventive Health Behaviors: A Comparison of Hispanics Nationally and Those Living Along the US-Mexico Border
Reports on a study comparing preventive healthy behaviors of Hispanic populations in the U.S. nationwide and those living in the U.S.-Mexico border region. Healthy behaviors included physical activity, diets of fruits and vegetables, avoiding heavy alcohol use, and being a non-smoker.
Author(s): Belinda M. Reininger, Jing Wang, Susan P. Fisher-Hoch, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health, 2015(15), 564
Date: 06/2015
Type: Document
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Reports on a study comparing preventive healthy behaviors of Hispanic populations in the U.S. nationwide and those living in the U.S.-Mexico border region. Healthy behaviors included physical activity, diets of fruits and vegetables, avoiding heavy alcohol use, and being a non-smoker.
Author(s): Belinda M. Reininger, Jing Wang, Susan P. Fisher-Hoch, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health, 2015(15), 564
Date: 06/2015
Type: Document
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A Rural Appalachian Faith-Placed Smoking Cessation Intervention
Describes a faith-oriented smoking cessation program comprising 590 smokers in 26 churches located in rural Appalachia. Discusses 3 themes identified by the participants' evaluation of the program including the program's ability to leverage social connections, be conveniently orientated, and to provide financial support for smoking cessation.
Author(s): Nancy E. Schoenberg, Henry E. Bundy, Jordan A. Baeker Bispo, et al.
Citation: Journal of Religion and Health, 54(2), 598-611
Date: 04/2015
Type: Document
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Describes a faith-oriented smoking cessation program comprising 590 smokers in 26 churches located in rural Appalachia. Discusses 3 themes identified by the participants' evaluation of the program including the program's ability to leverage social connections, be conveniently orientated, and to provide financial support for smoking cessation.
Author(s): Nancy E. Schoenberg, Henry E. Bundy, Jordan A. Baeker Bispo, et al.
Citation: Journal of Religion and Health, 54(2), 598-611
Date: 04/2015
Type: Document
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A Persistent Disparity: Smoking in Rural Sexual and Gender Minorities
Examines the connection between sexual and gender minorities (SGM), rural residency, and smoking through surveys conducted online and at 6 Missouri Pride Festivals in 2012. Provides a comparison between urban and rural SGM demographics and smoking status.
Author(s): Keisa Bennett, Jane A. McElroy, Andrew O. Johnson, Niki Munk, Kevin D. Everett
Citation: LGBT Health, 2(1), 62–70
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
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Examines the connection between sexual and gender minorities (SGM), rural residency, and smoking through surveys conducted online and at 6 Missouri Pride Festivals in 2012. Provides a comparison between urban and rural SGM demographics and smoking status.
Author(s): Keisa Bennett, Jane A. McElroy, Andrew O. Johnson, Niki Munk, Kevin D. Everett
Citation: LGBT Health, 2(1), 62–70
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
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Knowledge and Perceptions of Tobacco-Related Media in Rural Appalachia
Examines the perceptions of tobacco-related media among rural, Appalachian residents to determine its impact on smoking rates.
Author(s): Steven Branstetter, Eugene Lengerich, Mark Dignan, Joshua Muscat
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 15(1), 3136
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
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Examines the perceptions of tobacco-related media among rural, Appalachian residents to determine its impact on smoking rates.
Author(s): Steven Branstetter, Eugene Lengerich, Mark Dignan, Joshua Muscat
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 15(1), 3136
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
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Physicians Providing Leadership for Rural Communities
Identifies ways in which physicians can address unfavorable child outcomes (e.g. unplanned pregnancy, tobacco addiction, mental health disorders) by working with other groups and forming coalitions within the rural community.
Author(s): David T. Tayloe Jr
Citation: North Carolina Medical Journal, 76(1), 31-32
Date: 01/2015
Type: Document
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Identifies ways in which physicians can address unfavorable child outcomes (e.g. unplanned pregnancy, tobacco addiction, mental health disorders) by working with other groups and forming coalitions within the rural community.
Author(s): David T. Tayloe Jr
Citation: North Carolina Medical Journal, 76(1), 31-32
Date: 01/2015
Type: Document
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Health in Rural Missouri: Women's Health
Provides information and statistics on the health status of women, including maternal health, mental health, substance use during pregnancy, and intimate partner violence by rurality in Missouri. Covers cancer rates at the county-level and issues for the elderly and aging.
Date: 2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Missouri Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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Provides information and statistics on the health status of women, including maternal health, mental health, substance use during pregnancy, and intimate partner violence by rurality in Missouri. Covers cancer rates at the county-level and issues for the elderly and aging.
Date: 2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Missouri Office of Rural Health and Primary Care
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