Georgia Chart Gallery
Map showing county-level data on the percentage of the population in poverty.
Race Composition of Population in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2023
Stacked bar chart showing the racial group composition in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.
Unemployment Rate in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2007-2022
Line chart showing the unemployment rate in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties from 2007 through 2022.
Unemployment Rate in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2022
Bar chart showing the unemployment rate in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.
Map showing county-level data on the unemployment rate.
Uninsured, Ages 0-64 in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2022
Bar chart showing the percentage of the population age 0 to 64 that is uninsured in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties from 2021.
Uninsured, Ages 18 and Under in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2008-2022
Line chart showing the percentage of the population age 18 and under that is uninsured in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties from 2008 through 2022.
Uninsured, Ages 18 and Under, 2022
Map showing county-level data on the percentage of the population 18 and under that are uninsured.
Uninsured, Ages 18-64 in Metro and Nonmetro Counties, 2008-2022
Line chart showing the percentage of the population age 18 to 64 that is uninsured in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties from 2008 through 2022.
Map showing county-level data on the percentage of the population between 18 and 64 years of age that is uninsured.
Last Reviewed: 9/21/2023