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Rural Health Information Hub

Grant Funding Sources for Health Literacy Programs

Identifying and securing funding sources for programs that address health literacy is critical for long-term viability. Rural communities can take advantage of funding offered by federal agencies, regional agencies and associations, foundations, and other organizations to sustain community health literacy efforts.

To review potential funding agencies, associations, and organizations, visit Funders of Rural Programs in the Rural Community Health Toolkit.

Examples of Federal Agencies and Other Funding Sources for Rural Health Literacy Programs

Examples of Foundations that Fund Rural Health Literacy Programs

  • Philanthropic organizations like the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) have been working to improve health and healthcare in the U.S. RWJF supports research, programs, policies, and practices that center equity and aim to enhance health and well-being within all communities including rural areas. RWJF has also been working to address health literacy as a priority to improve population health, increase healthcare quality, and reduce healthcare costs.
  • The Humana Foundation supports organizations seeking to advance health equity through their investment in the social determinants of health. The Humana Foundation has 8 communities of focus in Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Texas.
  • The Carolyn Watson Rural Oklahoma Community Foundation was founded in 1995 to help improve the quality of life for rural southern Oklahoma communities. The foundation provides grant funding and scholarships to improve teaching in classrooms and deliver community literacy programs in local public libraries.
  • Founded in Reston, Virginia, the Wish You Well Foundation funds adult literacy and educational programs to improve adult and family literacy in the U.S. The Wish You Well Foundation supports a variety of nonprofit organizations looking to enhance adult literacy and promote thriving communities.

Additional funding opportunities for programs looking to promote health literacy can be found in our Rural Funding & Opportunities section.

Resources to Learn More

Health Literacy Resources: Funding
A list of government and private funding opportunities supporting health literacy research and programs.
Organization(s): University of Maryland Health Sciences and Human Services Library

Opportunities for Funding and Collaboration: Lists of Organizations Involved in Health Literacy Research
A list of funding opportunities and organizations committed to health literacy research.
Organization(s): Pfizer Inc.