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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Maternal Health – Resources

Selected recent or important resources focusing on Rural Maternal Health.

How a Rural Health System Continues to Provide Essential Obstetric Services
Podcast episode describing how Kittitas Valley Healthcare in rural Washington State worked to continue to provide obstetric services at its Critical Access Hospital (CAH) amid the departure of its full-time obstetric providers. Discusses the involvement of the governing board and recruitment and retention efforts.
Date: 07/2024
Type: Audio
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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CY 2025 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System Proposed Rule (CMS 1809-P)
Fact sheet providing an overview of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed rule regarding updates and changes to the Medicare payments for hospital outpatient and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) services for calendar year 2025. Summarizes provisions regarding changes to Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and partial hospital program rate setting; a proposal to include an add-on payment to the Medicare outpatient hospital all-inclusive rate (AIR) for certain high-cost drugs for people with Medicare who receive care at Indian Health Service (IHS) or tribal hospitals; updates to the Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR), Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting (ASCQR), and Rural Emergency Hospital Quality Reporting (REHQR) Programs; a proposal for new Conditions of Participation (CoPs) for hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) for obstetrical services; Medicaid and CHIP continuous eligibility; Medicaid clinic services "four walls" exceptions; and more.
Date: 07/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Loss of Hospital-Based Obstetric Services in Rural Counties in the United States, 2010-2022
Infographic displaying data on the loss of hospital-based obstetric services in rural counties between 2010 and 2022. Compares changes in in-county hospital-based obstetric care by rural county type - micropolitan versus noncore - using data from the 2010-2022 American Hospital Association (AHA) Annual Surveys, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Provider of Services File, and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Area Health Resources File.
Author(s): Katy B. Kozhimannil, Julia D. Interrante, Alyssa H. Fritz, Emily C. Sheffield
Date: 07/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center
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The Evolution of Health System Planning and Implementation of Maternal Telehealth Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Analyzes the impact of telehealth to provide maternal healthcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilizes interview feedback from 15 health system leaders to discuss issues such as telehealth reimbursement, research, access, barriers, and integration. Includes commentary on telehealth use in rural areas.
Author(s): Monisa Aijaz, Burcu Bozkurt, Arrianna Marie Planey, et al.
Citation: Digital Health, 10
Date: 06/2024
Type: Document
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Prepregnancy Health Care Engagement Among American Indian and Alaska Native People Before and After the Affordable Care Act
Examines the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on healthcare engagement and disparities in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations as compared to White populations. Utilizes 2009-2015 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System data to examine Medicaid coverage, healthcare interaction and screening, family history discussions, prenatal vitamin use, and teeth cleaning in rural versus urban populations, before and after ACA implementation.
Author(s): Danielle R. Gartner, Katlyn Hettinger, Heather Howard-Bobiwash, Claire E. Margerison
Citation: Health Equity, 8(1)
Date: 05/2024
Type: Document
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Evaluation of the Maternal Opioid Misuse (MOM) Model: Third Annual Report (Implementation Year 2)
Provides an overview of the Maternal Opioid Misuse Model, which provides evidence-based integrated care and care coordination for pregnant and postpartum Medicaid beneficiaries with opioid use disorder (OUD). Describes activities MOM Model awardees undertook during the MOM Model's second implementation year, July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023. Discusses barriers pregnant and postpartum people with OUD face in accessing high-quality, continuous care, specifically in rural areas.
Additional links: Findings at a Glance
Date: 05/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Insight Policy Research
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Using mHealth to Reduce Disparities in Black Maternal Health: Perspectives from Black Rural Postpartum Mothers
Provides an overview of factors impacting Black maternal health in rural Georgia. Describes research regarding mobile health (mHealth) as a tool for advancing sexual and reproductive health outcomes. Summarizes findings from group interviews with 14 women and identifies themes related to facilitators and barriers to postpartum transitional care for rural Black women.
Author(s): Natalie Hernandez-Green, Morgan V. Davis, Oluyemi Farinu, et al.
Citation: Women's Health, 20
Date: 05/2024
Type: Document
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Task Force on Maternal Mental Health: National Strategy to Improve Maternal Mental Health Care
Offers 5 recommendations for improving maternal mental health and associated substance use disorders using a whole-government approach by building infrastructure to improve care. Recommendations discuss federal collaboration, accessibility of care, data gathering, prevention strategies, and engaging those with lived experience. Discusses rural throughout.
Date: 05/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Navigating Geographical Disparities: Access to Obstetric Hospitals in Maternity Care Deserts and Across the United States
Examines disparities related to maternity care access by analyzing travel distances to obstetric care across the United States. Provides data to nearest obstetric hospital by census tract, with further breakdowns according to maternity care desert (MCD) designation, rurality, race/ethnicity, and travel time. Includes U.S. maps showing spatial clusters of distance and travel time to obstetric care.
Author(s): Jazmin Fontenot, Christina Brigance, Ripley Lucas, Ashley Stoneburner
Citation: BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 24, 350
Date: 05/2024
Type: Document
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Health Insurance Coverage and Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Postpartum Abuse Screening Among Rural US Residents Who Gave Birth 2016-2020
Examines the relationship among intimate partner violence (IPV), perinatal health insurance coverage, and postpartum IPV screening in rural U.S. communities. Utilizes 2016-2020 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System data to analyze insurance status among rural residents, postpartum visits, and IPV screenings.
Author(s): Katy Backes Kozhimannil, Emily C. Sheffield, Alyssa H. Fritz, et al.
Citation: Journal of Rural Health
Date: 05/2024
Type: Document
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Last Updated: 8/5/2024