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Rural Health Information Hub

North Carolina Rural Health Research Program (NC RHRP)

One of the Rural Health Research Centers currently funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. Works to identify rural health problems through policy-relevant analyses, geographic and graphical presentation of data, and information dissemination.
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Conducting Research, Needs Assessments, and Evaluations · Healthcare Access · Healthcare Payment · Rural Emergency Hospitals · Rural Health Policy · What is Rural? · North Carolina

Resources (169)

  • 2012-14 Profitability of Urban and Rural Hospitals by Medicare Payment Classification, 03/2016, view details
  • 2018-23 Profitability of Rural Hospitals by Ownership and System Affiliation, 06/2024, view details
  • 2018-23 Profitability of Rural Hospitals by with and without Rural Health Clinics and Long-Term Care, 06/2024, view details
  • 2018‐23 Profitability of Rural and Urban Hospitals by Medicare Payment Designation, 06/2024, view details
  • 2019 Wage Index Differences and Selected Characteristics of Rural and Urban Hospitals, 05/2019, view details
  • 2021 CMS Hospital Quality Star Ratings of Rural Hospitals, 10/2021, view details
  • The 21st Century Rural Hospital: A Chart Book, 03/2015, view details
  • 340B Drug Pricing Program: Results of a Survey of Eligible but Non-Participating Rural Hospitals, 01/2007, view details
  • 340B Drug Pricing Program: Results of a Survey of Participating Hospitals, 05/2007, view details
  • Access to Care: Populations in Counties with No FQHC, RHC, or Acute Care Hospital, 01/2018, view details
  • Alternatives to Hospital Closure: Findings from a National Survey of CAH Executives, 02/2021, view details
  • Association Between Rural Hospital Service Changes and Community Demographics, 05/2022, view details
  • Association of CMS-HCC Risk Scores with Health Care Utilization among Rural and Urban Medicare Beneficiaries, 12/2020, view details
  • Average Beneficiary CMS Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) Risk Scores for Rural and Urban Providers, 07/2018, view details
  • Best Practices for Health Insurance Marketplace Outreach and Enrollment in Rural Areas, 12/2014, view details
  • Cardiovascular & Cancer Rates for the Rural Delta Region, view details
  • Change in Profitability and Financial Distress of Critical Access Hospitals from Loss of Cost-Based Reimbursement, 12/2013, view details
  • Changes in Care-Seeking after Rural Hospitals Merge, 07/2020, view details
  • Changes in Provision of Selected Services by Rural and Urban Hospitals between 2009 and 2017, 04/2021, view details
  • Changes in the Provision of Health Care Services by Rural Critical Access Hospitals and Prospective Payment System Hospitals in 2009 compared to 2017, 08/2022, view details
  • Characteristics of Communities Served by Hospitals at High Risk of Financial Distress, 12/2017, view details
  • Characteristics of Communities Served by Rural Hospitals Predicted to be at High Risk of Financial Distress in 2019, 04/2019, view details
  • Characteristics of Medicaid Beneficiaries Who Use Rural Health Clinics, 05/2016, view details
  • Characteristics of Rural Hospitals Eligible for Conversion to Rural Emergency Hospitals and Three Rural Hospitals Considering Conversion, 12/2022, view details
  • Characteristics of Rural & Urban Children Who Qualify For Medicaid or CHIP But Are Not Enrolled, 07/2009, view details
  • Classification Change, 1999 to 2003: Office of Management and Budget Metropolitan Areas and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) Map, 07/2003, view details
  • CMS Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) 2014 Risk Scores Are Lower for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries than for Urban Beneficiaries, 12/2020, view details
  • CMS Hospital Quality Star Rating: For 762 Rural Hospitals, No Stars Is the Problem, 06/2017, view details
  • Communities Served by Rural Medicare Dependent Hospitals, 03/2012, view details
  • A Comparison of 2017-19 Uncompensated Care of Rural and Urban Hospitals by Net Patient Revenue, System Affiliation, and Ownership, 01/2024, view details
  • A Comparison of Closed Rural Hospitals and Perceived Impact, 04/2015, view details
  • A Comparison of Rural and Urban Specialty Hospitals, 09/2020, view details
  • A Comparison of Rural Hospitals with Special Medicare Payment Provisions to Urban and Rural Hospitals Paid Under Prospective Payment, 08/2010, view details
  • Cost-Sharing as a Barrier to Accessing Care at FQHCs and RHCs for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries, 06/2019, view details
  • A Critique of the Office of the Inspector General's Report on Swing Beds in Critical Access Hospitals, 03/2015, view details
  • Definitions of Rural: A Handbook for Health Policy Makers and Researchers, 06/1998, view details
  • Delineating Rural Areas in the United States, view details
  • Differences in Community Characteristics of Sole Community Hospitals, 11/2017, view details
  • Differences in Measurement of Operating Margin: An Update, 05/2024, view details
  • Discharge to Swing Bed or Skilled Nursing Facility: Who Goes Where?, 02/2014, view details
  • Do Current Medicare Rural Hospital Payment Systems Align with Cost Determinants?, 02/2015, view details
  • Does ACA Insurance Coverage Expansion Improve the Financial Performance of Rural Hospitals?, 06/2016, view details
  • The Effect of Market Reform on Rural Public Health Departments, 01/2000, view details
  • The Effect of Medicare Part D Plan Switching and Formulary Changes on Sole Community Pharmacies and the Patients They Serve, 03/2010, view details
  • The Effect of Medicare Payment Standardization Methods on the Perceived Cost of Post-Acute Swing Bed Care in Critical Access Hospitals, 03/2021, view details
  • Effect of Swing Bed Use on Medicare Average Daily Cost and Reimbursement in Critical Access Hospitals, 12/2011, view details
  • Estimated Costs of Rural Freestanding Emergency Departments, 11/2015, view details
  • Estimated Reduction in CAH Profitability from Loss of Cost-Based Reimbursement for Swing Beds, 05/2020, view details
  • The Experience of Sole Community Rural Independent Pharmacies with Medicare Part D: Reports from the Field, 11/2006, view details
  • Facility-Based Ambulatory Care Provided to Rural Medicare Beneficiaries in 2014, 03/2019, view details
  • Factors Predicting Swing Bed Versus Skilled Nursing Facility Use, 10/2022, view details
  • Fewer Hospitals Close in the 1990s: Rural Hospitals Mirror This Trend, 10/2001, view details
  • The Financial Importance of Medicare Post-Acute and Hospice Care to Rural Hospitals, 07/2017, view details
  • The Financial Importance of the Sole Community Hospital Payment Designation, 11/2016, view details
  • Flux in Loan Repayment Programs for Healthcare Professionals With States' Budget Cuts and National Health Service Corps Budget Increases, 05/2012, view details
  • The Freestanding Emergency Department Financial Assessment Strategic Tool (FED FAST), view details
  • Geographic Variation in Plan Uptake in the Federally Facilitated Marketplace, 10/2014, view details
  • Geographic Variation in Risk of Financial Distress among Rural Hospitals, 01/2016, view details
  • Geographic Variation in the 2016 Profitability of Urban and Rural Hospitals, 03/2018, view details
  • Geographic Variation in the 2018 Profitability of Urban and Rural Hospitals, 04/2020, view details
  • Geographic Variation in the 2019 Risk of Financial Distress among Rural Hospitals, 04/2019, view details
  • Geographic Variation in the Profitability of Urban and Rural Hospitals, 03/2016, view details
  • Geographic Variation in Uncompensated Care Between Rural and Urban Hospitals, 06/2018, view details
  • Haves and the Have-Nots: Disparities in Telehealth Availability in Rural Hospitals, 04/2022, view details
  • Health Insurance Coverage in Small Towns and Rural America: The Role of Medicaid Expansion, 09/2018, view details
  • Health System Challenges for Critical Access Hospitals: Findings from a National Survey of CAH Executives, 02/2021, view details
  • How Does Medicaid Expansion Affect Insurance Coverage of Rural Populations?, 07/2014, view details
  • How Many Hospitals Might Convert to a Rural Emergency Hospital (REH)?, 07/2021, view details
  • Identifying Rural Health Clinics in Medicaid Data, 05/2016, view details
  • If Fewer International Medical Graduates are Allowed in the U.S., Who Might Replace Them in Rural Underserved Areas?, 05/2001, view details
  • The Impact of Medicaid Cuts on Rural Communities, 08/2005, view details
  • The Impact of the Low Volume Hospital (LVH) Program on the Viability of Small, Rural Hospitals, 10/2016, view details
  • Impact of The Medicaid Budgetary Crisis on Rural Communities, 08/2003, view details
  • Impacts of Multiple Race Reporting on Rural Health Policy and Data Analysis, 05/2002, view details
  • Implications for Beneficiary Travel Time if Financially-Vulnerable Critical Access Hospitals Close, 12/2013, view details
  • Innovative Primary Care Case Management Programs Operating in Rural Communities: Case Studies of Three States, 01/2003, view details
  • Intensive Care in Critical Access Hospitals, 03/2005, view details
  • Issues in Staffing Emergency Medical Services: A National Survey of Local Rural and Urban EMS Directors, 05/2008, view details
  • Key Considerations for a Rural Hospital Assessing Conversion to Rural Emergency Hospital, 10/2022, view details
  • The Key Role of Sole Community Pharmacists in Their Local Healthcare Delivery Systems, 03/2009, view details
  • Location of Frontier CAHs, Certified through January 1, 2003, 2003, view details
  • The Low-Volume Hospital Adjustment Before and During COVID-19, 07/2024, view details
  • Market Characteristics Associated with Rural Hospitals' Provision of Post-Acute Care, 04/2018, view details
  • Medicaid & CHIP Participation Among Rural & Urban Children, 07/2009, view details
  • Medicaid in Small Towns and Rural America: A Lifeline for Children, Families, and Communities, 06/2017, view details
  • Medicare Beneficiaries' Access to Pharmacy Services in Small Rural Towns: Implications of Contracting Patterns of Sole Community Pharmacies with Part D Plans, 01/2009, view details
  • Medicare Covers a Lower Percentage of Outpatient Costs in Hospitals Located in Rural Areas, 09/2021, view details
  • Most Rural Hospitals Have Little Cash Going into COVID, 05/2020, view details
  • Nonmetropolitan Counties and VA Clinics, 2005, view details
  • Nonmetropolitan Counties and Vet Centers, 2005, view details
  • North Carolina Rural Health Research Program Cartographic Archives, view details
  • Occupancy Rates in Rural and Urban Hospitals: Value and Limitations in Use as a Measure of Surge Capacity, 03/2020, view details
  • One Year In: Sole Community Rural Independent Pharmacies and Medicare Part D, 09/2007, view details
  • Patterns of Hospital Bypass and Inpatient Care‐Seeking by Rural Residents, 04/2020, view details
  • Pediatric Care in Rural Hospital Emergency Departments, 05/2010, view details
  • PPS Inpatient Payment and the Area Wage Index, 01/2001, view details
  • Predicting Hospital Choice for Rural Residents Seeking Elective Surgery, 03/2021, view details
  • Prediction of Financial Distress among Rural Hospitals, 01/2016, view details
  • A Predictive Model of Hospital Choice for Rural Residents Seeking Surgery, 11/2021, view details
  • Predictors of Hospital Choice among Rural Patients Seeking Elective Surgery: A Scoping Review, 04/2022, view details
  • Premium Assistance Programs for Low Income Families: How Well Does it Work in Rural Areas?, 01/2006, view details
  • A Primer on Interpreting Hospital Margins, 07/2003, view details
  • A Primer on the Occupational Mix Adjustment to the Medicare Hospital Wage Index, 09/2006, view details
  • Profile of Rural Health Clinics: Clinic & Medicare Patient Characteristics: Review of 2009 Medicare Outpatient Claims Data, 03/2013, view details
  • Profile of Rural Health Clinics: Medicare Payments & Common Diagnoses: Review of 2009 Medicare Outpatient Claims Data, 12/2012, view details
  • Profile of Sole Community Pharmacists' Prescription Sales and Overall Financial Position, 08/2009, view details
  • Profitability of Rural and Urban Hospitals, 08/2016, view details
  • Provision of Uncompensated Care by Rural Hospitals: A Preliminary Look at Medicare Cost Report Worksheet S-10, 08/2013, view details
  • The Proximity of Rural Black and Hispanic/Latino Communities to Physicians and Hospital Services, 05/2001, view details
  • Race and Place: Urban-Rural Differences in Health for Racial and Ethnic Minorities, 03/2000, view details
  • Range Matters: Rural Averages Can Conceal Important Information, 01/2018, view details
  • Recent Changes in Health Insurance Coverage in Rural and Urban Areas, 05/2011, view details
  • Regional Differences in Rural and Urban Mortality Trends, 08/2017, view details
  • Risk Factors and Potentially Preventable Deaths in Rural Communities, 10/2019, view details
  • The Role of CAH Status in Mitigating the Effects of New Prospective Payment Systems Under Medicare, 01/2000, view details
  • Rural and Urban Hospitals in the United States, 08/2017, view details
  • Rural and Urban Parents Report on Access to Health Care for their Children with Medicaid Managed Care, 12/2005, view details
  • Rural and Urban Provider Market Share of Inpatient Post-Acute Care Services Provided to Rural Medicare Beneficiaries, 04/2018, view details
  • Rural COVID Research and Figures, view details
  • Rural Emergency Hospitals, view details
  • Rural Hospital Closures, view details
  • Rural Hospital Mergers and Acquisitions: Who Is Being Acquired and What Happens Afterward?, 08/2014, view details
  • Rural Hospital Mergers from 2005 through 2016, 08/2018, view details
  • Rural Hospital Profitability during the Global COVID-19 Pandemic Requires Careful Interpretation, 03/2022, view details
  • Rural Hospital Wages and the Area Wage Index: 1990-1997, 11/2000, view details
  • Rural Hospitalizations for COVID-19: Snapshot on December 10, 2020, 12/2020, view details
  • Rural Hospitals' Experience with the 340B Drug Pricing Program, 09/2007, view details
  • Rural Hospitals Have Higher Percentages of Patients with COVID-19 than Urban Hospitals (October-December 2020), 12/2020, view details
  • Rural Hospitals that Closed between 2017‐20: Profitability and Liquidity in the Year Before Closure, 01/2022, view details
  • Rural Population Health in the United States: A Chartbook, 02/2023, view details
  • Rural Populations and Health Care Providers: A Map Book, 2002, view details
  • Rural Provider Perceptions of the ACA: Case Studies in Four States, 02/2015, view details
  • Rural Volunteer EMS: Reports from the Field, 08/2010, view details
  • A Rural-Urban Comparison of Allied Health Average Hourly Wages, 01/2009, view details
  • Rural-Urban Differences in Characteristics of Local EMS Agencies, 05/2008, view details
  • Rural-Urban Differences in Continuity of Care among Medicare Beneficiaries, 12/2014, view details
  • Rural-Urban Differences In Nursing Home And Skilled Nursing Supply, 02/2003, view details
  • Rural-Urban Issues in the Wage Index Adjustment for Prospective Payment in Skilled Nursing Facilities, 11/2003, view details
  • Rural-Urban Variations in Medicare Live Discharge Patterns from Hospice, 2012-2013, 09/2017, view details
  • Rural/Urban and Regional Variation in the 2019 CMS Hospital Wage Index, 05/2019, view details
  • Rural/Urban Differences in Inpatient Related Costs and Use among Medicare Beneficiaries, 03/2014, view details
  • Safety Net Clinics Serving the Elderly in Rural Areas: Rural Health Clinic Patients Compared to Federally Qualified Health Center Patients, 05/2014, view details
  • Since 1990, Rural Hospital Closures Have Increasingly Occurred in Counties that Are More Urbanized, Diverse, and Economically Unequal, 03/2022, view details
  • Small Rural Hospitals with Low-Volume Emergency Departments that May Convert to a Rural Emergency Hospital (REH), 10/2022, view details
  • Sole Community Pharmacies and Part D Participation: Implications for Rural Residents, 02/2009, view details
  • State Medicaid Profiles 2010, 2014, view details
  • State Profiles of Medicaid and SCHIP in Rural and Urban Areas, 08/2007, view details
  • States' Use of Cost-Based Reimbursement for Medicaid Services at Critical Access Hospitals, 04/2010, view details
  • The Trend Toward the Clinical Doctorate in Allied Health: Implications for Rural Communities, 08/2008, view details
  • Trends in Revenue Sources among Rural Hospitals, 05/2022, view details
  • Trends in Risk of Financial Distress among Rural Hospitals, 10/2016, view details
  • Trends in Risk of Financial Distress among Rural Hospitals from 2015 to 2019, 04/2019, view details
  • Trends in Skilled Nursing and Swing-bed Use in Rural Areas, 1996-2003, 12/2005, view details
  • Trends in Skilled Nursing Facility and Swing Bed Use in Rural Areas Following the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, 04/2011, view details
  • Trends in the Provision of Surgery by Rural Hospitals, 07/2011, view details
  • Types of Rural and Urban Hospitals and Counties Where They Are Located, 07/2022, view details
  • U.S. Hospital List (2016), 2016, view details
  • U.S. Hospital List (2017), 2018, view details
  • U.S. Hospital List (2018), 2019, view details
  • U.S. Hospital List (2019), 2020, view details
  • U.S. Hospital List (2020), 2021, view details
  • U.S. Hospital List (2021), 2023, view details
  • U.S. Hospital List (2022), 2023, view details
  • U.S. Hospital List (2023), 2024, view details
  • Urban Hospitals with a High Percentage of Inpatient Days for Rural Patients, 09/2020, view details
  • Using the Updated Financial Distress Index to Describe Relative Risk of Hospital Financial Distress, 04/2024, view details
  • What We Know (and Don't Know) About Caregiving in Rural America, 02/2022, view details
  • Why Use Swing Beds? Conversations with Hospital Administrators and Staff, 04/2012, view details
  • Workforce Issues Among Sole Community Pharmacies, 07/2009, view details