Rural Project Examples: Community engagement and volunteerism
Other Project Examples
Schoharie County ACEs Team
Updated/reviewed December 2023
- Need: Agencies in Schoharie County, New York were seeing a widespread trend of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in the children and families they served.
- Intervention: The Schoharie ACEs Team was formed as a way to educate rural communities about ACEs, the associated brain science, and ways to build resiliency.
- Results: The ACEs Team has put on 5 half-day educational conferences, 2 virtual conferences, and 10 trainings for various groups across the region. The team has also trained 3 school districts on trauma-informed care and provided resources for families exposed to trauma.
Tea Time with Teens
Updated/reviewed December 2023
- Need: To develop teen leaders, build self-confidence, and lower teen pregnancy rates in Marlboro County, South Carolina.
- Intervention: Tea Time with Teens brings together community leaders, mothers, and daughters to build life skills and make healthy decisions. In addition, the program sponsors a middle school club and has an extension program for young women.
- Results: Since 2009, the program has been educating teens on making healthy choices and adults on having meaningful conversations with teens.
The Coffee Break Project
Updated/reviewed October 2023
- Need: Men in the agriculture industry face high suicide rates due to factors including long hours, geographic isolation, lack of social opportunities, and stigma surrounding mental health care.
- Intervention: The Coffee Break Project, a program led by Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc. in southeastern Colorado, encourages mental health check-ins for farmers and ranchers through a public awareness campaign and casual coffee gatherings that utilize COMET, an intervention model developed specifically for rural communities.
- Results: Between eight and 20 people typically attend each coffee gathering.
Tri-Valley Opportunity Council Rural Transportation
Updated/reviewed October 2023
- Need: Public transportation options in a rural 8-county area in northwest Minnesota.
- Intervention: A coordinated public transportation and volunteer driver system which serves northwest Minnesota.
- Results: Increased ridership and affordable access to transportation for residents of 8 counties in rural, northwest Minnesota.
Healthy Monadnock Alliance
Updated/reviewed September 2023
- Need: Improved health outcomes for Monadnock Region, a rural area of New Hampshire.
- Intervention: A wide-scale effort across multiple sectors is aiming to improve health outcomes throughout the region.
- Results: Community health trends have been tracked over time, and progress on goals such as increasing the number of residents with healthcare coverage, opportunities for physical activity, access to healthy foods, and smoking cessation has been made.
Healthy Adams County
Updated/reviewed August 2023
- Need: Health initiatives in rural Pennsylvania communities to address locally-identified health disparities.
- Intervention: Healthy Adams County was created by its rural community members to promote community-wide health.
- Results: Community task forces have been formed to address breast cancer prevention, food policies, behavioral health, health literacy, oral health, tobacco prevention, and other rural, community-identified needs.
The Minnesota Integrative Behavioral Health Program
Updated/reviewed May 2023
- Need: Out of 79 Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) surveyed in Minnesota in 2015, behavioral health was the most frequently cited service requested.
- Intervention: In response, Rural Health Innovations launched the Minnesota Integrative Behavioral Health Program. This initiative engaged representatives across all sectors in health integration between hospital, primary care, and community services.
- Results: Strategy sessions resulted in the creation of resource directories to improve care coordination, evaluation measurements to document results, and an overall better understanding of integrative care challenges.
Together With Veterans Rural Suicide Prevention Program
Updated/reviewed February 2023
- Need: Suicide among veterans has been steadily increasing, and rural veterans have an increased risk of death by suicide compared to urban veterans.
- Intervention: A program called Together With Veterans was formed to help rural communities address and prevent suicides among veterans. The initiative is veteran-led, collaborative, evidence-based, and community-centered.
- Results: Data collection is ongoing.
Win With Wellness
Updated/reviewed October 2022
- Need: To reduce risk of obesity and chronic disease in rural northwest Illinois.
- Intervention: Win With Wellness (WWW) collaborates with community organizations and worksites to improve physical activity and eating behaviors and reduce weight among adults using a multi-component approach.
- Results: From 2015 to 2018, the two participating counties initiated 28 Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) groups with 367 participants. In the second round of funding, WWW recruited 183 participants for 9 TOPS groups and 8 community Heart-to-Heart sites.
For examples from other sources, see: