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Resources by Topic: Alcohol use

Alcohol Consumption and Risk for Dependence among Male Latino Migrant Farmworkers Compared to Latino Non-Farmworkers in North Carolina
Study exploring alcohol consumption among male Latino migrant farmworkers. Compares interview data for male Latino immigrants living in three rural North Carolina counties, comparing rates of alcohol consumption and heavy episodic drinking (HED) for 235 farmworkers and 212 non-farmworkers. Discusses risk factors for alcohol dependence among the migrant farmworkers who participated in the study.
Author(s): Thomas A. Arcury, Jennifer W. Talton, Phillip Summers, et al.
Citation: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40(2), 377-384
Date: 02/2016
Type: Document
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Sobriety and Alcohol Use Among Rural Alaska Native Elders
Reports findings from descriptive and correlational data gathered during a needs assessment regarding alcohol use among Inupiat and Yup'ik Eskimo elders residing in remote, rural villages in the Northwest region of Alaska.
Author(s): Monica C. Skewes, Jordan P. Lewis
Citation: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 75(1), 30476
Date: 02/2016
Type: Document
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Tribal Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention (TMVIP) Best Practices Guide 2016
Reports on motor vehicle injury prevention strategies which have been successfully implemented by American Indian and Alaska Native tribal organizations to increase child safety seat use, increase seat belt use, and decrease alcohol-impaired driving. Describes the issue of motor vehicle safety in tribal communities, highlights successful programs, and lists federal agency grant programs and other supports for motor vehicle crash injury prevention efforts in tribal areas.
Author(s): Robert J. Letourneau, Carolyn E. Crump
Date: 2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Alcohol Use Patterns Among Urban and Rural Residents: Demographic and Social Influences
Analyzes the rates of alcohol use and alcohol use disorder (AUD) in urban and rural areas, and addresses the impact and the consequences of alcohol use on rural populations.
Author(s): Mark A. Dixon, Karen G. Chartier
Citation: Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 38(1), 69–77
Date: 2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
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The Oglala Sioux Tribe CHOICES Program: Modifying an Existing Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancy Intervention for Use in an American Indian Community
Describes how an existing alcohol-exposed pregnancy prevention program, Project CHOICES, for non-pregnant women was modified and integrated within an American Indian community to prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Provides the steps necessary to develop a similar program at another tribal or rural site.
Author(s): Jessica D. Hanson, Susan Pourier
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(1), 1
Date: 12/2015
Type: Document
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Results from the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed Tables
Provides data on illicit drug, alcohol, and tobacco use and attitudes, as well as access to substance abuse treatment. Rural-specific information is available in the detailed tables that list "geographic characteristics."
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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Impact of a Community Popular Opinion Leader Intervention Among African American Adults in a Southeastern United States Community
Analyzes the impact of a community popular opinion leader (C-POL) intervention targeting alcohol-using social networks in southeast rural Louisiana. Includes a comparison of pre- and post-test data by demographics, such as education level, relationship status, and sexual risk behaviors including condom use, alcohol use, and HIV status.
Author(s): Katherine P. Theall, Julia Fleckman, Marni Jacobs
Citation: AIDS Education and Prevention, 27(3), 275-287
Date: 06/2015
Type: Document
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Non-Communicable Diseases and Preventive Health Behaviors: A Comparison of Hispanics Nationally and Those Living Along the US-Mexico Border
Reports on a study comparing preventive healthy behaviors of Hispanic populations in the U.S. nationwide and those living in the U.S.-Mexico border region. Healthy behaviors included physical activity, diets of fruits and vegetables, avoiding heavy alcohol use, and being a non-smoker.
Author(s): Belinda M. Reininger, Jing Wang, Susan P. Fisher-Hoch, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health, 2015(15), 564
Date: 06/2015
Type: Document
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Ethnic Differences in Associations Among Popularity, Likability, and Trajectories of Adolescents' Alcohol Use and Frequency
Highlights a study on alcohol use as it is related to social popularity by minority adolescents in rural communities. Breaks down data by grade level and frequency of use, among other factors.
Author(s): Sophia Choukas-Bradley, Matteo Giletta, Enrique W. Neblett, Mitchell J. Prinstein
Citation: Child Development, 86(2), 519-535
Date: 03/2015
Type: Document
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Hardcore Drunk Driving Judicial Guide: A Resource Outlining Judicial Challenges, Effective Strategies and Model Programs
Describes strategies to combat hardcore drunk drivers by involving judges and law enforcement. Summarizes strategies used in Minnesota's SAFECAB program, which can be a model for rural communities.
Date: 02/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility
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