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Resources by Topic: Nurse practitioners and other advanced practice registered nurses

Trends in Primary Care Provision to Medicare Beneficiaries by Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, or Physician Assistants: 2008-2014
Examines trends in elderly patients receiving primary care from physicians alone, physicians with nurse practitioners (NPs) and/or physician assistants (PAs), and NPs/PAs without physicians. Considered these models for delivering primary care to Medicare patients with multiple chronic conditions and Medicare patients in rural and health professional shortage areas (HPSAs).
Author(s): Ying Xue, James S. Goodwin, Deepak Adhikari, Mukaila A. Raji, Yong-Fang Kuo
Citation: Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 8(4), 256-263
Date: 10/2017
Type: Document
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A Profile of New York State Nurse Practitioners, 2017
Describes active nurse practitioners (NPs) in New York, based on information from NPs who recertified from September 2015 through December 2016. Includes map of New York Population Health Improvement Program (PHIP) regions and table with practice settings of active NPs by PHIP region, both with breakdowns by urban or rural status.
Author(s): Robert Martiniano, Shen Wang, Jean Moore
Date: 10/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Center for Health Workforce Studies
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The Influence of the Degree of Rurality on EMR Adoption, by Physician Specialty
Study examining the adoption of electronic medical record (EMR) technology based on degree of rurality using Rural-Urban Continuum Codes. Analyzes 2012 data from over 270,000 physician practices on rates of EMR technology adoption and provider specializations. Presents data based on average daily patient volume and type of provider, including nurse practitioners and physician assistants.
Author(s): Brian E. Whitacre
Citation: Health Services Research, 52(2), 616-633
Date: 04/2017
Type: Document
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Veterans Health Administration: Actions Needed to Better Recruit and Retain Clinical and Administrative Staff
Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Health and the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs detailing the Veterans Health Administration's (VHA) challenges in attracting, hiring, and retaining top healthcare talent, including in rural locations. Also discusses the VHA's capacity to perform key human resources functions and makes recommendations for future improvements.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 03/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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Accountable Care Organization Implementation Experiences and Rural Participation: Considerations for Nurses
Examines implications of Accountable Care Organization (ACO) development for advanced practice nurses and other primary care clinicians employed by rural practices such as Rural Health Clinics that may be considering ACO participation.
Author(s): Matt Thomas Bagwell, Angeline Bushy, Judith Ortiz
Citation: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(1), 30-34
Date: 01/2017
Type: Document
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Federal Requirement for Physician Supervision of CRNAs
Discusses the federal requirement affecting participation in the Medicare program by Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) or Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) regarding physician supervision of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs). Addresses the conditions for states to opt out of the physician supervision Medicare rule if they meet certain conditions and the research comparing the outcomes between states that opt-out and those that do not.
Author(s): Steve Barnett, John H Everett, Pat Schou
Date: 11/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Association
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APNP Hospitalists: Sustainability of Rural Hospitals
Video of a meeting at Rusk County Memorial Hospital in Ladysmith, Wisconsin. Includes discussion on how Advanced Practice Nurse Prescriber Hospitalists can help to sustain rural hospitals as a solution to workforce challenges. Hosted by Charisse Oland, CEO, Rusk County Memorial Hospital. Length: 3:41:21
Date: 07/2016
Type: Video/Multimedia
Sponsoring organization: Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative
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How Could Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants Be Deployed to Provide Rural Primary Care?
Examines various methods that can be implemented to help nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) meet the increased need for primary care services in rural areas. Provides rural and urban data on the number of new insurance enrollees and estimated primary care visits that resulted from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
Author(s): Eric H. Larson, C. Holly A. Andrilla, Cynthia Coulthard, Joanne Spetz
Date: 03/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
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AzCRH 2015 Supply and Demand Study of Arizona Health Practitioners and Professionals
Provides an update on Arizona's healthcare workforce data derived from licensing boards, state and federal agencies, surveys, and interviews. Compares rural and urban workforce data and identifies strategies to moderate the workforce demand for rural health services.
Author(s): Joe Tabor, Nick Jennings, Lindsay Kohler, et al.
Date: 02/2016
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Arizona Center for Rural Health
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VA Health Care: Oversight Improvements Needed for Nurse Recruitment and Retention Initiatives
Reviews Veterans Health Administration (VHA) initiatives to recruit and retain nurses and the extent to which VHA oversees these initiatives. Discusses nurse recruitment and retention concerns specific to rural areas.
Additional links: Full Report
Date: 09/2015
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Government Accountability Office
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