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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Obesity and Weight Control – Resources

Selected recent or important resources focusing on Rural Obesity and Weight Control.

Self-Assessed Health Status and Obesity Vulnerability in Rural Louisiana: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Examines the self-assessed health of rural residents in Louisiana utilizing the obesity vulnerability index, which factors in gender, race, education, caregiver status, exercise, and grocery store choice as potential risk factors for obesity. Provides 2021 data of residents from 3 rural counties, with obesity vulnerability index indicators broken down by fair, good, or excellent health status.
Author(s): Santosh Pathak, Hua Wang, Katherine Seals, Naveen C. Adusumilli, Denise Holston
Citation: PLoS One, 18(6)
Date: 06/2023
Type: Document
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Barriers, Facilitators, and Opportunities to Promote Healthy Weight Behaviors among Preschool-Aged Children in Two Rural U.S Communities
Examines barriers, facilitators, and opportunities related to supporting wellness and healthy weight in rural preschool children. Utilizes focus group interviews with parents, caregivers, and community organizations as well as observation of built environment to assess healthy eating and physical activity resources. Discusses wellness barriers and facilitators for preschool children at the family, organization, and community levels.
Author(s): Katherine Jochim Pope, Cason Whitcomb, Maihan Vu, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health 23, 53
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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Neighborhood Greenspace and Changes in Pediatric Obesity During COVID-19
Examines rates of pediatric obesity before the COVID-19 pandemic and during the pandemic as related to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) or greenspace. Analyzes patient electronic health records (EHRs) of 81,418 children who had a pediatric visit between June 2019 and December 2019 and then again between June 2020 and December 2020. Includes demographic breakdowns of EHR patients by age, sex, race/ethnicity, insurance type, neighborhood measures such as social/economic deprivation and supermarket access, and urban, suburban, or rural location.
Author(s): Stephanie L. Mayne, Shannon Kelleher, Chloe Hannan, et al.
Citation: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 64(1), 33-41
Date: 01/2023
Type: Document
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Urban-Rural Disparities in Childhood Obesogenic Environments in the United States: Application of Differing Rural Definitions
Analyzes rural versus urban differences in food and physical activity (PA) environments that contribute to childhood obesogenic environment index (COEI) scores. Utilizes multiple data sources to examine 6 food environment variables and 4 PA variables by rural-urban continuum codes, among other rural definitions. Discusses differences in COEI scores and implications for public health practices.
Author(s): Marilyn E. Wende, M. Renée Umstattd Meyer, Christiaan Abildso, Kara Davis, Andrew T. Kaczynski
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 39(1), 121-135
Date: 2023
Type: Document
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Multilevel Correlates of Domain-Specific Physical Activity Among Rural Adults – a Cross-Sectional Study
Examines the domains in which rural residents are able to participate in physical activity (PA), such as for transportation-related (e.g. walking, cycling) recreational, or occupational. Analyzes 1,241 participants enrolled in a PA intervention in the rural Midwest from August 2019 to September 2020, with data broken down by individual/demographic factors and perceived environmental factors.
Author(s): Alan M. Beck, Natalicio H. Serrano, Audrey Toler, Ross C. Brownson
Citation: BMC Public Health, 22, 2150
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
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Improvements and Maintenance of Clinical and Functional Measures Among Rural Women: Strong Hearts, Healthy Communities-2.0 Cluster Randomized Trial
Analyzes the impact of the Strong Hearts, Healthy Communities-2.0 (SHHC-2.0) program for weight loss and improved fitness in rural women. Examines 182 midlife and older women in rural, medically underserved communities in New York. Includes demographic information of participants as well corresponding clinical and functional measures after completing the program.
Author(s): Rebecca A. Seguin-Fowler, Galen D. Eldridge, Chad D. Rethorst, et al.
Citation: Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 15(11), e009333
Date: 11/2022
Type: Document
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Obesity in Rural America, with Jennifer Conner and Jason Lofton
An episode of the Exploring Rural Health podcast featuring Dr. Jennifer Conner, an associate professor with the Delta Population Health Institute at the NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine at Arkansas State University, and Dr. Jason Lofton, a family physician at the Lofton Family Clinic in De Queen, Arkansas. Focuses on rural obesity and how rural patients can live their healthiest lives.
Date: 11/2022
Type: Audio
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Promoting Health and Behavior Change through Evidence-Based Landscape Interventions in Rural Communities: A Pilot Protocol
Highlights a study on the efficacy of a rural wellness hub model designed to support physical activity in rural areas. Details the design, implementation, and outcomes of the pilot program in Clay County, West Virginia. Breaks down data by demographic information, such as age, gender, and ethnicity, and by physical activity engaged in.
Author(s): Shan Jiang, Udday Datta, Christine Jones
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12833
Date: 10/2022
Type: Document
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Evaluation of a Civic Engagement Approach to Catalyze Built Environment Change and Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity among Rural Residents: A Cluster (Community) Randomized Controlled Trial
Provides an overview of a study that will analyze the Change Club (CC) intervention that focuses on built environment and health behaviors in rural communities. The CC intervention utilizes the civic engagement interventions for built environment change (CEBEC) approach to promote nutrition and physical activity. Discusses research plan for recruiting participants, conducting interventions, assessing and evaluating the program, and disseminating data and results.
Author(s): Rebecca A. Seguin-Fowler, Karla L. Hanson, Deyaun Villarreal, et al.
Citation: BMC Public Health, 22, 1674
Date: 09/2022
Type: Document
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Validation of Remote Height and Weight Assessment in a Rural Randomized Clinical Trial
Examines the efficacy of having rural families take their own height and weight measurements to assess body mass index (BMI). Provides results for 38 families enrolled in the iAmHealthy Schools trial conducted within participating rural elementary schools. Discusses the potential of using remote BMI assessments during the COVID-19 pandemic and for families in hard-to-reach areas.
Author(s): Bethany Forseth, Ann M. Davis, Dana M. Bakula, et al.
Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22
Date: 07/2022
Type: Document
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Last Updated: 12/27/2024