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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Funding by Topic: Substance use and misuse

Summaries of funding programs are provided by RHIhub for your convenience. Please contact the funder directly for the most complete and current information.

Community Facility Loans
Loans to help develop and improve essential community facilities in the rural West.
Geographic coverage: Available in 13 western states and the Pacific Islands. See program website for details.
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Rural Community Assistance Corporation
Daniels Fund Grants
Grants for nonprofit organizations in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming working in the areas of aging, drug and alcohol addiction, amateur sports, youth development, disabilities, homelessness, and education.
Geographic coverage: Colorado Utah, and Wyoming
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Daniels Fund
Hawaii State Loan Repayment Program
Loan repayment assistance for certain health professionals who agree to serve in a Health Professional Shortage Area of Hawaii.
Geographic coverage: Hawaii
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Hawaii and Pacific Basin Area Health Education Centers
Indiana State Loan Repayment Program
Loan repayment assistance for primary care, mental, and dental healthcare providers who agree to provide services in a healthcare shortage area in Indiana.
Geographic coverage: Indiana
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Indiana Department of Health
Jail-based Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Mentor Site Initiative
Peer-to-peer learning opportunity for jails interested in providing or enhancing medication-assisted treatment (MAT) services for individuals with substance use disorders.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: Bureau of Justice Assistance, Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP), U.S. Department of Justice
Louisiana State Loan Repayment Program
Loan repayment assistance for specific primary care, mental health, and oral health providers who agree to practice in Health Professional Shortage Areas of Louisiana.
Geographic coverage: Louisiana
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Louisiana Department of Health
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Training and Mentoring
Training to provide medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) for clinicians in high-need communities. Clinicians who complete the training may be priority applicants for some NHSC loan repayment programs.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide and U.S. territories
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: Bureau of Health Workforce, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Health Service Corps, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
National Indian Child Welfare Association Training Institutes
In-person and virtual professional development training for child welfare professionals working with American Indian families.
Geographic coverage: Nationwide
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: National Indian Child Welfare Association
New Hampshire State Loan Repayment Program
Loan repayment assistance for certain healthcare professionals who agree to work in underserved areas of New Hampshire.
Geographic coverage: New Hampshire
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsors: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, New Hampshire Rural Health & Primary Care
Oregon Partnership State Loan Repayment Program
Offers matching funds for loan repayment for primary care providers who serve in Health Professional Shortage Areas of Oregon.
Geographic coverage: Oregon
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Oregon Office of Rural Health