Module 7: Dissemination of Rural Health Equity Program Best Practices

Community-wide dissemination efforts are essential to ensuring the success of rural health programs seeking to advance health equity. Through dissemination, rural communities can learn from the experiences of others, use promising strategies to build relationships with project partners and potential funders, increase visibility, and share best practices. Learning what has worked in the past and what can be improved in the future will help leaders map out a plan for effective program design and implementation.
Dissemination is a multi-step process that can look and feel different depending on what information is shared and for whom. Best practices for dissemination typically involve:
- Defining Objectives: Ask yourself “Why and What” you will be disseminating.
- Identifying Target Audiences: Ask yourself “To Whom” will you be disseminating.
- Deciding on Methods of Communication: Ask yourself “How and When” you will be disseminating.
- Developing a Dissemination Plan: Putting it all together for you and your team to get the work done.
For more information on how to share program results, see Disseminating Best Practices in the Rural Community Health Toolkit.