Module 3: Program Clearinghouse

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program provides funds to cities, states, and rural communities to implement HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment activities.
The program focuses on expanding access to primary care and support services for uninsured and underinsured people who are living with HIV/AIDS. Another main focus of the program is to provide funding, support, and technical assistance to community-based organizations that are developing innovative models of prevention and treatment.
Several Ryan White grantees that have developed and implemented HIV prevention and treatment interventions in rural communities are described in this module.
Chattanooga CARES
Chattanooga Cares (Council on AIDS, Resources, Education and Support) is a nonprofit organization with the mission of reaching and supporting people impacted by HIV, hepatitis C, and STIs by providing education, advocacy, social, and health services. The organization focuses on both prevention and treatment of HIV. -
Health Services Center
This community-based, nonprofit organization and medical clinic provides healthcare services, education, and support to people living with HIV/AIDS and their families in eastern Alabama. -
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
This state public health agency is a Ryan White Part B grantee conducting a variety of HIV prevention and treatment activities throughout the state, including many rural locations. -
Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services
This is a state public health agency that funds a variety of HIV prevention and treatment programs for a large rural population. -
Mountain West AIDS Education and Training Center Project
ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes)
This is a collaborative model of education and care management that is building the skills of rural, low-volume providers, and clinics to increase quality of HIV care for people living with HIV/AIDS. -
Ursuline Sisters HIV/AIDS Ministry
This is a faith-based organization in Ohio that works with adults and children impacted by HIV/AIDS by providing health and social support services at three different locations in the Mahoning Valley region.